Life needs to stop kicking me in the guts

May 11, 2016 07:40

Spoke to my sister yesterday, about a whole lot of nice things. Yes, her oldest son can stay over for a weekend, it's going to be nice. Absolutely! I can babysit my little brother's baby, so my boy, her boy, and our little brother can do their fencing!

...And, then she tells me, in a quiet voice, that they have found a tumour beneath my mother's navel, in her inner workings, and that... That we must keep our cool, that we musn't let her see how worried we are, because mum's doctor looked devastated, was deeply worried.

She'll be hospitalised today, most likely, in a private hospital, so thins go quickly. Surgery will happen, as they can't see what they are dealing with. It's bad, that's what we know, and that's why my sister's voice was quiet, gentle.

Mum has fought cancer since she was in her late 20's. Four times, I think. She has survived so much - cancer, heart failure, being personally hunted by a dictator... Fuck, how much does a person survive, before something just...

Okay. I'm taking deep breaths, but fuck it. It's just a few weeks ago, that Patrick passed away, and now this? This is, by far, so much worse.

No, she isn't dead. She'll take whatever treatment there is, be ill and sick by it. Lose her beautiful hair - she doesn't care. All she wants, is to survive long enough for all her grandchildren to remember her face, her voice.

I'm so afraid, so upset.

I'm not read for this.

Hugs are appreciated.

family, life as it is, devastated

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