Hurrhurr. Isn't he pretty? Of course - I didn't make it, though. Check in the keywords for credit...
Absolutely! I know bb knows how to interview, but I always get so nervous I have to practice answers and stuff beforehand u//u I can definitely give pep-talks though! ♥
Thank you, bb-bird. I... was so nervous, aöskdfjöaks. I mean, tomorrow I have to prove I can translate between English and Norwegian, and aaaah, spell in Norwegian. Goddamnit, it's easier to spell English. *bawls*
*inhales* ...I'll need that boost, love. Gah, 'm so bad at selling myself. u///u
You'll do just fine, I know it *hugs tight* You just need to feel confident and prepared, and it will go smoothly. I'm bad at selling myself too, but you have to try *kiss*
Work was all right... I didn't want to go XD I slept badly last night, so was super tired this morning u///u
- works with costumer services/surveys/analytical data, etc.
- is fluent in Norwegian, Swedish and English.
And, yes, since he does, he sent me the info and the number and aöskdjföalsjdlaksj, I'm off to an interview tomorrow O.O;; !!
Oh, hallo...
*coughs* 8DDDD
I, aha, like your icon. Say, can I steal it? Y/Y
*kisses!!* And, yessss! Bb can help me! Boost my moral/ego up and aösdkföasd kiss me good luck and stuff? ;A;
Absolutely! I know bb knows how to interview, but I always get so nervous I have to practice answers and stuff beforehand u//u I can definitely give pep-talks though! ♥
...soooo pretty. UNF. *bites him, hard* Heh, okay. Gonna do so. Hurrhurrr. *licks*
Thank you, bb-bird. I... was so nervous, aöskdfjöaks. I mean, tomorrow I have to prove I can translate between English and Norwegian, and aaaah, spell in Norwegian. Goddamnit, it's easier to spell English. *bawls*
*inhales* ...I'll need that boost, love. Gah, 'm so bad at selling myself. u///u
*licks* Also, how was work today?
You'll do just fine, I know it *hugs tight* You just need to feel confident and prepared, and it will go smoothly. I'm bad at selling myself too, but you have to try *kiss*
Work was all right... I didn't want to go XD I slept badly last night, so was super tired this morning u///u
Aah, thank you, love. ;A; Bb's the best. *kisses ALL over*
Ack, I'll have to believe you on that point, that I won't make a fool out of myself. u///u
Heh, early night tonight, then? <3
Yes ♥ Good idea, for both of us.
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