Jul 31, 2012 17:42
I just about printed out several copies of my tickets (courtesy of Ryanair) and I now have to go pick my pounds up. Once I'm done with that, I'm off to find a new pair of tights and something edible.
SO HUNGRY. ;______;
I've been working all day, and my boys kissed and hugged me into oblivion. That is a good thing, of course. I have three pair of shoes with me, lol, and four changes, two scarves (?) and several small things, a book included.
Yes, the passport came along, too.
Everything I mentioned went down in one tiny backpack. *preening so hard* I have packing-fu! You know, I'm an army-brat, bred to be funcional, practical and generally good to have when travelling, winning a war or packing. 8DDD
OK, time to go. 'm so so so hungry. *bawls*
Love you, fList, but now I'm off to England, my sweet bird and Auto Assembly.
rl and such,
so happy,
because bloody yes,
flist ahoy,
having a blond moment,
in love,
life as it is,
me happy