(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 21:20

the fire dreams have started again. for the past few winters i've had probably dozens of forest fire-related dreams, most of which revolve around the theme of fires burning that i, for a variety of reasons, cannot get to. not in a i have to get to this fire to put it out...or else kind of way, but more in a i want to be part of this, too kind of way.

two nights ago i dreamed that i was flying in helicopter C-GALP near the community of chipewyan lakes. after landing for fuel at the airstrip, we lifted off to see a number of smokes. as i got closer i could see that a large fire had burned to within a few miles of the town and a few areas were still putting up smoke. for some reason our pilot landed in a nearby muskeg-hole before i could get instructions over the radio. i couldn't get comms on the ground and the pilot refused to get back into the air. we just sat in this stinky, mosquito-infested bog for what felt like an eternity while tiny columns puffed over the horizon.


on a totally unrelated note, dustin just e-mailed me this photo, taken from outside of his oilfield camp atco trailer north of hinton, alberta.

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