livejournal, would you please stop tripping me out every time I come here?

Dec 16, 2012 04:45

Ugh, it's depressing me that I haven't been on livejournal. I love tumblr, but I really prefer LJ for doing fandom and personal posts - with tumblr  you have to work hard to organize it, and I am lazy. LJ does the work for me pretty much. Or at least I think it still does.


Why am I still up at 4:30? I think I actually have a problem. I need to have my phone and laptop locked up at 10pm, like a 10 year old.

I can't sleep. I can't relax and just watch the hour. I'm listening to How Not To Lose Things, which I would never do if it wasn't for my McGovern situation. This music is good, but I have to be drunk or sleep-deprived to ignore the not great lyrics. I wish I was drunk in this case.

i should offer to write lyrics for this , who the fuck knows, and then i go back to humming and swayin, i'm baaaaaack, i just wanna go back to 2003, i hate when i am so into a fandom or an , gratuitous use of cora eye-rolling gif, i am totally out of it right now, like i said, im really out of it though, i just get waves of holy crap is this ba, fuck is anyone even here anymore?, its actually okay though, i could write better lyrics jfc

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