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I do have to say that I get a lot of kidding because I do not post or do a lot of videos, or even take a lot of pictures of my kids. I think a lot of parents of teenagers will understand that the fastest way to have your teens disappear from your view is to take out a camera. If there is no means of escape for them .....well, that is when you can get as many of the precious hand over the face pictures as you can snap.
So I just do a ton more pictures and videos of the dogs because the dogs are better sports about the camera, LOL. Emmas FIRST ever swim meet gave me an opportunity to get some video because her defenses were down and she was not watching for the camera!
I was so proud of her she handled herself really well, and seemed to have a great time. Just like agility trials the first time you have to figure out how to check in, find out which races you are in, which lanes and which heats you wll swim and what time to be where. None of it seemed to throw her.
Em has just been swimming on a team for a year now, and she has just done so well, it is cool to see your kid find something they want to work hard at, do well at, and have a lot of fun doing.