I was supposed to go play agility with friends but missed a vital turn on the way there ;-( . I ended up close to Sacramento, quite a way from my original destination, I would not have even thought it was possible I could have got that lost, LOL. I did not get to play agility with everyone else after driving for about 4 hours, it was looking like a real bummer day ;-).
This is SO CA so one can usually find something to do... luckily Karen let me do some agility at the CPBC ranch, we got access to yet another aframe, and as a special bonus I had a really great visit with Karen who was very nice after having someone drop in with five min. notice ;-). After our visit the dogs and I made a trip to the beach-it was beautiful, peaceful and deserted so it ended up being a great day, not the day I had set out for, or had planned, but truly a very nice day that was topped off by a nice dinner at one of my favorite places by the beach-what more could I ask for?
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This is the first running aframe I have taught....I am learning a lot...we have had some learning opportunities (mistakes)along the way but we are finally have the aframe at full height and are doing some sequencing after the aframe. I was even able to do the aframe to the weaves the other day.
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