I guess I never got around to talking about the San Francisco trip a few weekends ago.
I'm not sure you're all that interested in it, but I like to write these things and read them later.
So we got pretty lost right from the start. We had our faithful mapquest directions, which would have been fine if we didn't miss the turn. We had a bit of trouble finding anything from that point on. It's San Francisco, so if you miss a turn you can't just come back around and find where you were supposed to be. We must have gone down the WHOLE thing of Market Street. It was loco.
I guess I should explain why this was Baby's Day Out. I take my little diaper baby lunch pail to work and I don't get out much, so I guess it's not that complicated as to why exactly this is Baby's Day Out: Baby In The City. I don't eat vegetables, but I'm working on that.
I'm from a very small town and I get lost easily and don't know how a lot of things work in general. I also have terrible luck lately.
Christine is much better with directions than I am, but this city is no small task, and our directions were very limited. We also didn't have a map!
We made it to the hotel after I told a few people "I'm not from around here." Christine was not impressed with this clarification since people staying at a hotel usually aren't from the area. Some kids from SF were lost at the same gas station we were. That made me feel a little better about the situation.
It was probably 10 or 11 by the time we made it to the hotel, we were only lost for a good hour or so, but it always takes a while to get settled in and that sort of thing.
Our hotel was conveniently near the Fillmore in Japan town so we wanted to go down and try to see the Violent Femmes. I couldn't get tickets online because my happy ass took my time with that and they sold out. I didn't know they were such a draw. I wasn't too happy about taking Christine to SF to see MY favorite band for an early Valentine's day vacation, but I think she still had a good time. She didn't want to go shopping anywhere, either.
We didn't really feel like trying to make it to the show by this point. It wasn't far from the Fillmore, but it was still a walk and it was already late by that time, so we just chilled in our room. By this time we didn't want to do ANYTHING that might lead to us getting lost. haha I loved it indoors by this point.
Our hotel was cool! The tub was DEEP in the ground, making a hilarious sight of anyone who gets in. It had to be at least 3 or 4 feet deep. And there was this strange mini-shower thing that was no higher than mid-calf. We thought it was a dog washer even though it was probably some Japanese crap for washing your feet before getting in the tub or something. A funny thing happened in the tub with Christine involving a towel that seemingly came out of my butt, but I will spare you some of the details.
Our hotel had a pretty good view of the city. It looked a lot cooler in person, but you kind of get the idea, I guess.
Not the best shots ever (not Christine's fault), but they get the job done. I wish our brains could take pictures for us.
The next day, we got lost again. We did have a map and knew where we were going a little, but we ended up on the wrong side of the Golden Gate Park. We were on the museum side and had a long time finding anything else. We were starving by this point, but luckily we found GORDO BURRITO. It was truly amazing! Everything worked out once we found the gordo, it was truly a magical place. We went to Amoeba music and someone tried to sell us weed at the park, so everything was normal.
I was pissed because I couldn't find any Gary Wilson at the music store. WTF this is some super huge famous music store and there's no Gary Wilson?
I bought a few things and we were off to see my favorite band. Being a baby, I got there pretty early and we had a little waiting to do. The dinner was pretty good, maybe a little overpriced, and it would have been nice if it came with a drink of some sort, but no big deal. Christine had some mushrooms to eat around because everything they served had mushrooms on it! It was also weird the menu only had about 4 items on it.
The opening band was pretty good, nothing really outstanding to mention, but they sounded good.
The second band was some sort of 60s folk/lord of the rings crap complete with a mandalin and hippies. They didn't sound so hot. The guy in purple with the tight striped pants looked pretty convincing, but the girl's hair wasn't dirty enough to pull off the hippy look if you ask me.
Dead Meadow was what I was hoping for.
I even told Christine, not knowing anything about their show, that "I hope they have a bunch of green smoky shit going the whole time."
It took a little while for the sound guy to figure things out, but once they got it going, it was perfect. I don't think there's a band out there that can pull off the sound I like more than they can. It was just great. Only three guys, one guitar, but a huge sound. I totally love guitar rock and that's all it really was.
I wish their albums sounded nearly as good as their show did. I don't want to have to make such a big trip out of seeing these guys every time they come around. Maybe their next album will make up for it.
Christine seemed to enjoy it enough, more than I actually thought she would. She's awesome for spending all that time to see a show I wanted to see.
There were a few bum-looking people there totally digging it since it probably reminded them of the reason they're bums, and these kids next to us were totally stoned out of their minds. They must have heard a stoner band was in town and lit up like crazy. Someone from the venue had to walk up to them and make sure they were all right. They were barely awake just sitting there, not moving a muscle.
We didn't even got lost there or on the way back. Pretty sucessful by our standards!
On the way back to Davis to drop Christine off I managed to end up in the wrong lane at a bridge toll on the way out of Valejo. People around me were PISSED. It was super bowl Sunday so I wasn't able to switch lanes once I figured out I was destined for trouble. We'll see how much that ticket costs. Why would the fast lanes be on the right? It's still my fault, but you'd think the slower lanes would be on the right... Stupid commuter electronic toll side.
The last day was fairly uneventful other than that. We ate at Denny's because it was too much of a pain in the ass to find anything else. And Denny's wasn't too bad anyway.
Here's me tearing up some orange juice.
It was a very good trip overall. Definitely less trouble than the Vegas trip. Being with someone fun makes little things a lot better, too! :O)
Christine wanted to be the star of this post, but since she never wants to take pictures, she's SECOND BANANA!