Music rant

Oct 07, 2003 14:58

Don’t you love the trends in music?
I listen to many bands not to many people have not heard of. That was the case until a short time ago...bands such as the white stripes, the strokes, jimmy eat world, moneen, the apples in stereo were all no named bands. But are now everyday band names people talk about. Is it that people just received a taste for music? Dana…remember back in the day when people would make fun of me for listening to music no one knows of? Some kid said to me one time “you just like bands no one has heard of to be different”
I think that was one of the most ignorant things anyone has ever said to me. I love music. It has been a huge part of my life for so long now and I do not like band to be different. I am different in other way. In my views, in my interests. I guess music is a reflection of this tho.
I remember my bro always making fun of me for listening to music that wasn’t on the radio. I always told him Nate..when are you going to grown up and listen to real music.not something the is over produced and made up to sell. I told him one day he would be listening to the bands I like. What do u know. now Nate likes jew (they aren’t even cool anymore) he likes the stripes. He even likes the salads…I don’t even like the salads, but they sing about smoking pot. So that’s cool. All of these small bands are getting big. Sure its great for them all the power to the bands..they deserve it for all of there hard work. I just hope it doesn’t hurt the scene. As I write this I think..why do I even care if it hurts the not even that much a part of it anymore. But then again I am..i still download music..sometimes buying., and go to as many shows as I can.
But then again it is also nice to watch the bands grow. The next wave is about to come. The essex green are going to be a big hit and so are the other 3 bands these 5 members play in. this is good..i just don’t want to lose the effect of going to a small venue like the horseshoe in Toronto and seeing them play for a bunch of people…chilling with the bands…smoking pot with them..having a beer with them. Going back to hotel parties shit like that. Its more of an intimate experience then going to the ACC to see a band playing for thousands of people.
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