Jul 21, 2003 22:23
what the sh*t is up?
So its been awhile…
I have been crazy busy...
Heres the skinny since my last post..
So I went up north with Ami, Pud and tim last weekend. I have a cottage 5 hours north of here in berry’s bay. Its about 30mins from the dogleg of Algonquin park. And I wish I would have had a better time. The problem was tim and pud. Tim and I used to be friends in high school. But since then we have drifted apart.and have not much in common anymore..and I don’t enjoy hanging out with him. He lives in waterloo now and goes to school there and when he comes home he always calls to hang out..b/c he doest know anyone elsee here I guess.. so he invited himself up north and pud ami and I really didn’t want him to come. But I just couldn’t say no for some reason..even tho I wish I would have.we knew it would be a crappy time..well..ami and I knew this. So we get up there..and pud and him were complete dicks the whole weekend.. you cant even carry on a intelligent conversation with them. All they talked about was farting and killing stuff with a stick. And they did nothing to help out around the cottage. Ami and I basically had to do everything. Example…we get up..ami and I cook breakfast…after we eat ami and I were pissed because they were being retartds.and we go into town to buy some stuff and to get away..so we left the dishes and everything with them. We get back to obviously find the dishes not done, and then have to bitch at them to do them. I know if I was at someone elses cottage..i would be on top of helping out as much as I could..when we were out we bought hotdogs and stuff.. that night..ami and I pass out;.and they fucking ate the hotdogs that we paid for..not to mention they had no money for anything when we were out and about. So that’s that..i bicth at pud for being a dick..and he had nothing to say but “I don’t use that many dished in a week at home” fuckin loser…
Anyways…sooo snice then I have been werking both jobs FACS and bell world none stop. Last night I got off werk at 5 and came home. I went to take a nap at 6 b/c I thought I was going out last night..and didn’t wake up till 7:30 this mourning .lol..
so ya..i finally have a day off tomorrow from bell. So after werk at bell im going to smoke a phatty and hang out and listen to records. I just got an oldschool techincs turntable I also found a shitload of my dads old records..many are good to get high to..
im off to do that right now.
Peace out