Somethign different

May 18, 2011 15:54

"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you"

Happiness is in the small things, right?

I've just received the long-awaited envelope, well technically not that long since it has been what 12 days since i sent my letter but I think it's still counts especially if I had to come all the way to Japan so I can be able to get it

It's official now I am an Arashi fan girl. Well I am not sure I can pull this off since I am not really capable to act like one but at least on paper. Kinda hope it's going to be enough because I am so going to try to go to some show recording.

And here is my official Arashi fan club membership card. I am one of the one million fans now ( wow that's sounds scary)

thought of the day, random

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