Jun 20, 2004 20:45
Well, we 3 had quite the night last night! Dustin fell asleep in his room at about 9:30 pm. Ben was in my room, talking about what he wanted to do the next day. It was about 10:45 pm & I heard the back door open & our security alarm go off. I yelled, "Who's there"? but no one answered. Then all the sirens went off under the house (our security alarm has a long high-pitched sound for 30 seconds, & then there is an alarm that goes off under the house that resembles a police siren). The police were only a block away & actually got there before the security company could call 911. The boys & I hid in the closet with my Dad's 22g. rifle.
We finally got the house clear-the police didn't find anyone-but the boy's (Dustin especially) were so scared that they wanted to sleep at their Grandma's house.
So we spent the night in my Mom's living room. I don't really want any more nights like that one!