(no subject)

Jan 03, 2005 07:10

1. Happy New year.

2. Last night I had a dream where my ex-roomate and I, Celeste, were in this competition because we wanted the same guy. So, we competed by playing fucking BADMINTON! haha.. hilarious. However, I lost the hottie and she got him. I ended up getting some other guy. Our prize, was to go to Windsor. SO we went and visited SHannon!! (asspanda/bettie cracker) There, we had to babysit her retarded cousin.. We took him on a walk and hilarity ensued! he bugged bums, and old ladies and he snotted so much.. it was great.

I think i woke up at this point. I don't know HOW since the volume on my alarm clock is WAY low... bah, i woke up anywya.... what a drag.

Time for work
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