So I've come to hate Tuesdays... Tuesdays mean BSG is available for download, but K's at work kicking her desk and impatiently biting her nails until 'hometime' and trying not to read spoilery reactions on my friends list. It also means I'm waiting for the first yoga class for the week and in need of stretching. *g* And that also means I don't get
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Well that is going to have to come into play but I keep thinking that there may be something else that goes back to when they were younger. Tyra clearly had a lot of disdain for Lyla even before Lyla and Tim got together, it could be that Tim had always had a thing for Lyla that Tyra noticed early on but I get a feeling that there's more. I think it's a testament to Adrienne's acting that I'm reading all of this into the show.
I think it's true that Lyla doesn't think of herself as a snob, and probably would be shocked to know she comes across that way to others. But she does.
I totally get how that can come off as snobbery but I don't think that she actually is and I see her coming out of that bubble of hers in a big way. The fact that she is trying to make things work with Jason is so impressive to me, cuz I know that in her shoes, I don't think I could be that strong.
I'm not sure I see Lyla as very strong yet, but I've been proud of her for being honest with Jason recently, and she's certainly holding my sympathy a lot more now that that bubble is bursting. However, I read her initial response to Jason's injury as incredibly naive. Supportive, yes, but to the point of being suffocating, and actually missing the real issue(s). I'm glad they've got past that initial phase, and I'm also glad she stuck by him. I struggle with her because I often feel the actress doesn't quite pull off the role with the subtelty it requires, but I do find the character interesting.
Yup! I was totally thinking that... I think it's a hard character to sell, and I'm probably about the hardest person to sell it to. (To confess my own prejudices, I was the stereotypical scholarship kid in an elite all-girls school. Imagine every cliche of upper-class snobbery and girls' school repression, and you've pretty much got my h.s. life. Hypocrisy defined most of the families and students, sadly.)
Hmm... I don't know about the snobbery thing. Naive is a good word to describe her, definitely. But I also still think there's some unconscious snobbery on her part. If you're unconsciously racist (like the coach), you're still racist, and I tend to feel snobbery is the same. Put Lyla in a pressure situation and I think that would come out, though I'd love her to prove me wrong. I'm not meaning to condemn her by calling her a 'snob'. I'm a snob at times too!
I agree that Julie's not a great actress, but for me she hasn't had to carry moments as dramatically weighty as Lyla. Lyla's inability to cry naturally kept throwing me out of her in the whole triangle with Jason and Tim arc. I really loved that plot and really wanted to like Lyla and have sympathy for her. I enjoyed her at an intellectual level, but struggled to respond naturally to her because the acting was awkward. Tim isn't great either... but thankfully looking hot and brooding isn't too hard! ;-)
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