(no subject)

Mar 17, 2006 14:23

Whee! It's the_mas's Comment Day, which I am kicking off 'early' since it's well and truly Friday in my part of the world.

For those of you who are new to this event--it's basically an excuse to spam LJ with comments, because we all love them! And so I can garner 'em myself, I've even done a couple of memes.

gakked from radioreverie
01. How many concerts have you been to?
Uh... too many to count. But I'll give it a go in question 2.

02. Name them all, if you can.
Is this designed to be the hardest meme ever? OK... don't expect this in order, ok?

U2 (twice)
Smashing Pumpkins, Tennis Centre, 1995
Bjork, Tennis Centre, 1996
Portishead, Festival Hall, 199?
Blur, Monash hall of suckitude, 199?
Pulp, Festival Hall, 199?
Beastie Boys, The Forum, 200? (great gig but I had hideous cramps I recall)
Suede, The Forum, 200? (ie late enough for them to be old and unsexy)
Chemical Brothers, The Metro, 2000ish (with Sonic Animation supporting, if I recall correctly)
Prodigy, The Metro, 199? --fab concert, they went 'off'
Radiohead, 2004
Belle and Sebastian, 2005 (also Architecture in Helsinki supporting)
Franz Ferdinand, 2005--another rocking concert, though the crowd was not what I would have expeted
Interpol, 2005
Gomez, twice, once at the Corner Hotel, where they were brilliant
Sneaker Pimps, The Metro, way back when
The Whitlams, underage gig at the Monash hall of suckitude--I blame Sarah
Massive Attack, 2005
Stereolab, Prince of Wales, 2000ish--ah, they were lovely!
Groove Armada, 2004, the Metro
(vague memories of an Air concert and a Daft Punk concert, and I'm sure I've forgotten more, but too bad)

Artists I can recall seeing at festivals (Big Day Out, etc) or raves: NIN, Red Hot Chilli Peppers (against my will--I got trapped in the crowd), Moloko (I fell in love with Roisin Murphy), Nithin Sawhney, Gerling, Sonic Animation, Chem Bros., Paul van Dyk, dude from Underworld, Basement Jaxx, Garbage, New Order, Primal Scream, Beth Orton, Josh Abrahams and Amiel Daemon, Spiderbait (they are inescable), Fatboy Slim, Manic Street Preachers, Regurgitator (I'm sure they also supported someone I saw somewhere).

03. What was your very first concert, and how old were you?
Smashing Pumpkins, 17
we all make mistakes in our youth...
second one was Bjork and it was infinitely better

04. How do you find out about new music? Is finding out about new music a priority for you?
Strangely enough, although I love new music, I am HOPELESS at finding out about new music--I've never understood how people manage it. So I'm mostly reliant on friends (thankfully the McGregor clan come through with the goods on many an occasion!) and radio and word of mouth and so on. In my clubbing days, it was a lot easier as I'd know what was getting played out and about.

05. What, if any, classical music do you listen to?
I'd love to say I did... but alas no, I am uncultured. :p

06. Have you ever fangirled a band/artist? Who? How was this fangirliness expressed?
Hee. I would usually say no. But then I remembered that I made my flatmate give birth to Belle and Sebastian's 'Boy with an Arab Strap' album, an extreme expression of fannishness if ever there was one, so perhaps yes after all. I'm just not very good at fangirling bands though. Like, I never hang around stage entrances or anything like that. And mostly I just want to dance to them incessantly--not, you know, meet them!

07. Is there any band/artist you would travel great distances to see?
Ah... no. I just bemoan their lack of presence here. A LOT.

08. What are your five favorite albums of all time?
Pulp, Common People
Belle and Sebastian, Boy with the Arab Strap
Saint Etienne, Good Humour
U2, Boy (it was my first ever CD--shuddup!)
Sufjan Stevens, Feel the Illinoise

09. Who is your absolute favorite singer?
*blinks* too much choice--pass

10. What is the most important element of music to you?
Don't know. I am not musically literate so I have no idea what attracts me to the diverse range of music that I like--I often respond well to complex lyrics, clever beats, and/or cuteness... let's say it comes down to an indefinable 'bop' quality! ;-)

Gakked from vibrantharmony in abbreviated form as I'm bad at inserting images and can't be frakked. My icon page is here if you are curious, but BEWARE bsg spoilers people!

Default icon: currently Ms Maggie Gyllenhaal--ain't she cute!
Oldest icon: My 'be cool' MR one--was my default when I didn't have a paid account.
Newest icon: A Grey's Anatomy one by elsmoka
Happiest: My classic 'YAY!' dork!Clark one.
Saddest: A Lois/Chloe 'Death' icon from Reckoning--beautiful, but I've never used it (I don't really do sad in icons--does my username really sound like I do?!)
Angriest: hee! I do do angry though: 'deathglare' from PoTC
Cutest: smrt is sexy icon of Jamie reading the Daily Telegraph
Sexiest: *cough* porniest goes to Lexporn icon of course! But sexiest to the animated 'pretty please Clark' one, because it makes me go Guh! every time
Funniest: I'm WAY big on funny icons, and my favourite new funny is 'do not fuck with me--I have juice' featuring Lex
Favorite ship/slash: Clex, closely followed by Kara/Lee
Prettiest manip: The Clex wedding from Heat caps, by duskwillow
Favorite quote: 'Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me' Lois icon, closely followed by 'Sacred duty yadda yadda yadda' Jor-El icon (both by supacat because I asked)
Favorite textless: Hmm... possibly my Erica icon, because she's so beautiful.
Favorite overall: Eeep! I'll just name another one I love--my new 'goodlooking revolutionaries wanted' Jakey one.
How many icons do you have total? *checks* 102 out of 109
If you could buy space for more, would you? Oh probably!
Do your icons make a statement about you? Yup! I have offbeat humour and I think this comes through not only in my icons but in the ways I employ them--a case in point would be the fact that kristiinthedark and I ship one of my Naomi Watts icons with one of her Jake G ones. Yup--ship 'em. What? People have shipped stupider things before now!
What fandom do you have the most icons out of? Smallville
The second most? Battlestar Galactica--hot on its heels, though they get less use as I am only peripheral in that fandom
What ship/slash do you have the most icons out of? Tally is currently 6 Kara/Lee, 5 Clex (if you count 'clark has really nice hair', which I do), 4 Clois, 1 TW/MR, 2 Lexana, 1 Krishna/Arjuna, 1 Jawyer, 1 Gaius/Six, plus one multiple Clois/Lexana/Clex icon
Are your icons mostly made by other users? Without exception
Do you make icons? I'm not so foolish as to attempt it--the results would be tragic
Are they any good? Nuh-uh.
Animated icons are: Joy!
Personalised icons? I added this on to the meme to say that I adore my personalised icons--they are my treasures. *pets*

Icons have become one of the quickest ways to make me happy. The others (in case anyone needs to bribe me) are: chocolate, wb rps fic by estrella30, bookshops and food. Seriously. I joke not.

Also, I want to pimp a couple of people who've delighted me this week:
elsmoka whose icons I have discovered, and who granted permission for me to use the fab Jake 'goodlooking revolutionaries' icon. Mwah!
lastscorpion who wrote Ponyville which made me laugh myself silly (it's a Smallville/My Little Ponies crossover-lol!)
As always, the fabulous estrella30 and mskatej for upping my porn quota for the week.
radioreverie for amusing me with her oh-so-honest unpopular opins (I luv rebels) and for converting me against my will to Jonny-Greenwood-appreciation.
Also... any Chlex fans on my list should check out sinecure's icons. And encourage her not to abandon SV! ;-)

There. If the MASsians on my f'list can't find *something* in this post to comment on, you lose at Comment Day! *pokes tongue* (Bonus points to anyone that comments in my crazy but beloved mahabarata comm!)

memes, personal, music, fic_recs

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