Lust List

Mar 13, 2006 02:29

Um, this has been ridiculously long in the making. Suffice to say that searching for pretty pics is very distracting, and I am a very indecisive person. Now I know why I don't do picspam! So... for the moment at least... here are my top twenty lusted-after celebrities. (With many many thanks to radioreverie who worked wonders with the pics.)

1. Johnny Depp
Johnny has to take pride of place on my list. I've adored him for as long as I can remember. He's a brilliant actor and has incredibly ageless good looks. He's also got that dark side. Mmmm… yum. (My boyfriend refers to Johnny as 'your boyfriend', as in 'K, isn't your boyfriend' in that movie?')

2. Michael Rosenbaum
What is there left to say about Michael? Brilliant actor, hopeless dork. Has a magical ability to play with his sexuality (and everyone else's). He made me *enjoy* Sorority Boys. It must be love.

3. Tom Welling
Tom makes it to number three on my list for sheer unearthly beauty, that amazing smile, his humility and his laconic humour. Oh, and the Cheekbones of the Gods. Oh, and that torso.

4. Aishwarya Rai
Aish is the most beautiful woman in the world. She speaks five languages, is smart, gracious and compassionate. Like Welling, she is the possessor of unearthly beauty without an accompanying overblown ego. She has a beautiful smile and a gorgeous laugh.

5. Joaquin Phoenix
He's hot, troubled, angsty and talented. He has brooding looks--smiles are coaxed from him reluctantly--a tragic past and incredible arms. Who needs more? River, you bequeathed us a god.

6. Jonathan Rhys Myers
Um. The man is porn. The selection process for this photo was incredibly difficult--he has so many shots that make him look like trade--but they were all too obvious. Matchpoint brilliantly captured his darkness, and it's the beauty-with-dark-edge thing that is the big hook with him. That and the lips. And the eyes.

7. Jake Gyllenhaal
Ah, Jake! He's got the dark looks I like. His acting roles are wonderfully diverse, he's best friends with his sister, and he's so damn cute, with that dark streak again. Plus, he's amazingly humble about his talent (witness his acceptance speech at the BAFTA awards).

8. Maggie Gyllenhaal
Isn't she the cutest thing EVER? Such a cute face, beautiful smile, amazing style, does great offbeat work, and has gorgeous gorgeous eyes. Plus, she just *brings* the sex.

Bonus photo of the cutest siblings ever...

9. Erica Durance
She's has a body I could stare at forever, is a great actress, and has a sunny likeable personality as well. And a cute accent and giggle. I just want to snuggle her. You can't see it in this black and white version, but she's wearing a yellow cardigan! (my favourite colour, my favourite item of clothing) *loves*

10. Audrey Tautou
She's mesmerising. I rent every damn thing she's in, and it's usually lame but she shines. The dark hair and the big eyes definitely suck me in, but there's something else I can't name… I guess she too has that slightly dark, troubled look down.

11. Angelina Jolie
She's just porn… But oh, what great porn! I like that she's scary. I like that she's 'bad'. I hate that she's dating that nincompoop, but hey, whatever, I'm sure she's getting good sex. And as pointed out my coworkers, she gives the impression she eats men alive. Nice!

12. Jude Law
Yes, he's a total asshole. But his looks are incredible. One of a kind. If only his roles had been confined to spoiled rich bisexuals, the world would be a better place...

13. Jamie Bamber
Jamie's an exception on my list--it's his very ordinariness that hooks me with him. He's walking charm, but in a 'I could hang out with you in a café' kind of way. (Undemonstrated: has a godlike body and arms to die for.) I'd choose him to breed with. Unfortunately, he's already got kiddles, but somehow that just adds to his charm. *g*

14. Jared Padalecki
Jared demonstrates my height/size kink. He's like an overgrown puppy. Ok, I like height. I'm a sucker for it, and anyone that can make Tom Welling look small gets points. I didn't get hooked until I saw him move though… he's the only reason I still tune into Supernatural each week. He's hypnotic.

15. Ralph Fiennes
Ralph plays sensitive men to perfection. He too has the brooding looks down pat. I know next to nothing about him in real life, but he has the sort of looks I could spend a lifetime with … or just discuss lit with him over a bottle of wine … in front of a fireplace… *daydreams*

16. Scarlett Johansson
She's yummy, even if she is blond. Blondes are not usually my thing but Scarlett's very sexy, with that husky voice and pouty looks.

17. John Cusack
A longtime love. Ok, so I'm predictable: dark hair, brooding and/or puppy looks, sexy eyes, quirky movie roles…

18. Christina Ricci
Another long-timer on my list: I've liked her since she played Wednesday in the Adams Family, and after that she grew up and grew so sexy. Bonus! I think she's a great actress, and I love her freaky looks, but she needs to keep the weight on. I saw her recently on TV looking hideously skeletal. Noooo!! Bring back chubby Christina!

19. Eliza Dushku
I fell in love with Faith in Buffy and have followed her since. She has a great capacity for bringing the sexy, and she looks really really hot when she runs. A bit skinny, it's true, but she makes up for it by having that 'bad girl' thing down pat.

20. Damon Albarn
For old times sake...

Many people nearly made this list. They range from the lightweight and amusing (Keanu Reeves, Orlando Bloom) to the serious and literary (Zadie Smith, Arundhati Roy). I could do endless variations on this list (Lust List of Musicians, Lust List of cute couples, Lust list of literary figures, Lust list of martial artists etc), but a line had to be drawn. *sigh*

Special mentions go to Jensen Ackles and Wentworth Miller, both of whom deserve to be here for their 'hooking' power. Only true obsession could lead one to watch 'The Curse of Clownana' or whatever that godawful short film about the banana and the giant penis is called, so Jensen really deserves a mention. But he's overexposed at the moment and that counted against him. Wentworth, on the other hand, is a newbie of mine, but I am riveted to Prisonbreak for no other reason. His voice and his hands and his looks combine to hypnotise... but his sexuality costs him points--I find it hard to lust after seriouly gay not-even-bi men. Call it imaginative failure! ;-)

And also special mention to Naomi Watts and Gael Garcia Bernal--both of whom nearly made it on this list due to their superlative good looks and mesmersing acting powers, but both fell short a little on pure porn factor.

Now tell me I'm crazy! ;-)

picspam, lust list, personal

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