Fridays are great!

Feb 10, 2006 16:30

I have squeeful personal news! I have complete the geography book that has been eating up my life for the last couple of months. It's gone to prepress and I'll see the proofs next week. Work celebrations are planned for next week, but my own personal celebration begins today, since the damn page proofs are NO LONGER ON MY DESK. *g*

The usual sense of exhaustion and anti-climax that I get when I finish a project are beginning... But I am endeavouring to fend them off with some exciting weekend activities.

1. Brokeback Mountain, to be seen in a few hours time at my favourite cinema
2. New Smallville ep, which should have DL'd by the time Brokeback finishes
3. Reprisal viewing of BSG's 'Scar' with supacat who doesn't know what she's in for. *smirk*

4. Brunch
5. The Fog!! with friends and a sense of humour *g*
6. Karaoke

And then hopefully some nice quiet writing time as well... Although that's a long shot. My weekends seem to be getting eaten up a lot recently.

Psst ... and I also got a little pay rise. Whee!


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