Breaking Bad Season 1

Apr 24, 2013 18:28

So I watched Season 1 of Breaking Bad. My watching journey was something like this:

Bored, bored, ewwwwwwwwwwwwww ewwwwww ewwwww, still bored, ewwwww, bored, bored, ewww, ewwww, ewwwwwwwwwwaghhhhheewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, bored, bored, not so bored, ew, bored, ew, hmm... bored, hmm... STRANGELY HOOKED IN BUT DON'T REALLY KNOW WHY.

The narrative traction picked up considerably once Tuco came into the picture. I think the first time I felt at all interested in the main character was in his stand-off with Tuco after Jesse got beat up.

I am very glad I'm mainlining it - no WAY would I have continued with this show after any of the first three eps, week by week - boring dude kills people in hideously violent and grotesque way for no perceivably understandable reason? UGH NO. But once that was over with, the fact that Jesse and Walt have these deaths between/behind them I found seeing what they would do now to be more interesting.

Struggled to find any characters to like but I'm not sure it's the kind of show where you like anyone? I at least am finding that I'm intellectually interested in what happens to Jesse and Walt. Walt is a lot harder to understand, naturally. The son is ok, but we don't see much of him. The women are hideous but that tiara was grotesque so I had a bleep of sympathy for Skyler there. Skyler is probably only slightly less of an enigma than Walt to me, but will be interesting to see how things go.

Plot-wise I am now well motivated to continue.

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