Title: No Light, No Light Artist: Florence and the Machine Source: Battlestar Galactica Summary: "Tell me what you want me to say!" - Kara Acknowledgments: Without
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Oh yeah I remember that start of So What you made to one of the songs by Pink. I thought it must've taken you forever to cut those moments and put them together! :-) But the effect and image it creates are totally worth it.
Well in this imaginary crescendo of "Lee!"s - her "Leeee! Oh... Lee..!" moan would definitely fit the climax point, right? :D
A friend of mine is kind of deaf to different voices, can't recognise them at all and I always used to tease her about it warmly when it would come to BSG because it used to be such a pleasure to hear every character announce "previously on Battlestar Galactica" and know the character immediately and she wouldn't get my excitement. Her inability to recognise Kara's voice especially was baffling to me))). I remember I once made her listen to it like twelve times in a row or something to make sure that she wasn't faking... because Kara's voice timbre is sooo distinct to me and I honestly find it hard to imagine being unable to HEAR it and remember! :-)
Haha! Yeah the reverse would be a pleasure to listen to as well! :)
Oh no--it was actually surprisingly quick! I remembered at least a few of the "So What"s right off the bat and I did a little transcript searching to find the others! I wasn't sure what to do with it at first, because I don't really look dialogue over my vids, but it worked okay as a leadup to the song starting I thought.
Oooh yes--the moan would definitely be the, uh, climax point. ;)
oh wow, that's so sad. Their voices lend sooo much to the individual character portrayals!
Definitely, I love the way he says her name especially when he's calling for her when they're flying--and he slips and uses Kara (all desperate and panicky) instead of Starbuck. <3
Well in this imaginary crescendo of "Lee!"s - her "Leeee! Oh... Lee..!" moan would definitely fit the climax point, right? :D
A friend of mine is kind of deaf to different voices, can't recognise them at all and I always used to tease her about it warmly when it would come to BSG because it used to be such a pleasure to hear every character announce "previously on Battlestar Galactica" and know the character immediately and she wouldn't get my excitement. Her inability to recognise Kara's voice especially was baffling to me))). I remember I once made her listen to it like twelve times in a row or something to make sure that she wasn't faking... because Kara's voice timbre is sooo distinct to me and I honestly find it hard to imagine being unable to HEAR it and remember! :-)
Haha! Yeah the reverse would be a pleasure to listen to as well! :)
Oooh yes--the moan would definitely be the, uh, climax point. ;)
oh wow, that's so sad. Their voices lend sooo much to the individual character portrayals!
Definitely, I love the way he says her name especially when he's calling for her when they're flying--and he slips and uses Kara (all desperate and panicky) instead of Starbuck. <3
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