Battlestar Galactica 2.13: Epiphany

Jan 24, 2006 21:13

It wasn't the episode I wanted, but it still had a lot of interesting aspects.

I was disappointed in the peace movement. Their existence was a surprise but I thought there was a lot of potential in their ideology that was not explored. Their spokesperson was weak. I would have liked to see them explain tactical and strategic reasons for liaising with the Cylons, not just blind ideology. Their ideas about the Cylons themselves seemed underdeveloped as well. They seemed to have more anger about the military than sympathy for the Cylons. I found this frustrating as in many ways I feel my natural sympathies lie with the peace movement: I would like to hear from humans who had thought about the ways in which Cylons and humans might not be so different after all. Or the ways in which they may be interdependent. Instead, there are weak negotiators spouting extremist views, just irritating those in power and thereby getting themselves dismissed. Urgh. Too much like real life!

After I had my breakthrough of empathy with Gaius’s character in the Resurrection arc, I fully expected to appreciate him in a new way. Yet this episode I found myself back in rage about him. Sorry Gaius-y people! It’s not really about him. But he came frighteningly, terrifyingly close to being president and that scares me a lot. The scene with Six reappearing as he walks through Galactica’s corridors reminded us just how mentally unbalanced he is. Of course a redeeming aspect of his psychology is that he appears to dread taking the presidency as much as I dread him doing so! The other discomfort I experienced with Gaius this week was the way he assumed that Gina had invited him to meet with her for a romantic interlude and his insensitive move on her. His flaws were definitely on show again this week: the misogyny, the self-obsession, the instability. (I liked Adama’s line to him: start to act like you can handle it!)

Having said all that, I did love Gaius’s line about being the ‘beacon of hope’ for once. Yet it has a chilling edge to it because once again Gaius determines humanity’s fate-to what end? It appeared to serve the purposes of individuals (Gaius, the president, Sharon, etc.) but also the ‘greater good’ of humanity. Yet it keeps the Cylon-human child alive too: so does it serve the Cylon purpose as well? It was interesting to see that Six had less of a hand in shaping Gaius’s actions this time.

Just what a threat and a loose canon Gaius is was shown in the final scene when he overreacts to Roslin’s letter. There’s a lunatic in charge of a nuclear device! Is it any wonder I fret, people?!

norwich36: I’ll be really interested to hear from you when you get up to this ep, to see what you thought of the Roslin backstory. For me there were a few too many flashbacks in this ep, but it was good to see some background on her. She has reached a position of great strength and I really admire her determination. But the conviction with which she ordered both Cain’s assassination and the termination of the Cylon pregnancy was chilling. It has felt as if she was making these decisions in part because she was desperately running out of time and wanted to secure the fleet at all costs, as soon as possible. On the one hand you could say that her impending death made her more focussed and clear-eyed. On the other hand, she is moving towards a more extreme absolutist type of rule. She consults only herself; she has Adama’s backing, Gaius is too caught up in himself, Lee is estranged and Billy is perhaps still too passive-there’s noone to challenge her. Yes, they need a strong ruler, but I preferred the Roslin who listened and debated more. I am nervous for her and for everyone. It will be interesting to see what happens now she’s out of immediate danger.

Um, so not only was there not enough Lee in this ep, but we didn't get to hear or see what Starbuck thought about Lee being made CAG again. Obviously she supports him, but she must have mixed emotions.

Lee. Not enough Lee. *whimpers* Bless Kara for her lame attempt to reach out to him with 'haven't seen much of you lately...'!

bsgseason2, bsg_meta

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