Vidlet: Brand New Start

Oct 28, 2010 23:42

Title: Brand New Start
Fandom: True Blood, Hoyt/Jessica
Artist: Little Joy
Description: Hoyt and Jessica get a brand new start.
Access vid: download mp4 (27.8 MB), or watch at YouTube
Notes: I challenged myself to make a vidlet in a night, and while it turned into two nights by the time I did the boring shit (aka colour, effects, titles, exporting), I basically more or less did it. \o/ This is major breakthrough for me because it usually takes me a long time to make anything. A few things helped:
1. Desperation. This was supposed to be my year of 'vidding productivity' and I have made exactly two vids. *facepalm*
2. The discovery that other vidders do not piss around so much when clipping. No WONDER they find it so boring! The hour I spent clipping was excruciating but it was damn FAST.
3. The potential shame of having nearly 100 vids on my 'to vid' list was a good motivator to whittle a few off.
4. Vidding a heartbreaking, emotionally challenging ship is kicking my mental health to the kerb at the moment and I need some candy. I also know Hoyt/Jessica are going to get fucked up in season 4, no doubt, so I wanted to get in a 'happy vid' of them before that happened (yay LEARNING and HINDSIGHT!).
5. The quality of the vid is entirely due to me finally FINALLY reading the tutorials at Foolish Passion and clipping to mov instead of dv. I'm really happy with the results and love how FCP purrs with happiness at me doing so.

This entry was originally posted at Comment here or there, as you will.

vids, true blood

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