Emotional overload

Oct 19, 2010 23:50

Coming down off a massive high from Adam Lambert's Melbourne concert (despite us being a cold enough crowd that we warranted only 'Mad World' as an encore *hmph*)... The whole concert felt off-kilter, as I thought it would, what with the management stuff-ups with the venue. But anyway, I danced despite getting shushed and yelled at by old dudes around me, and got my catharsis. Adam's voice is so incredible live, but he seriously did NOT click with the crowd. (Hey, me neither, Adam! Don't judge all of Melbourne by that, please!)

It's been a rollercoaster day for me emotionally since I watched the most affecting vid I've seen all year this morning.
m_a_r_i_k_s's Like O, Like H, a study of Kara's abuse at the hands of Socrata, broke me so completely I had to go to the hairdresser's with a blotchy red face from the crying. And I came back three hours later and threw myself on my bed and cried some more without even watching it again. Highly HIGHLY recommended, but watch with caution if you're sensitive to abuse.

This entry was originally posted at http://www.dreamwidth.org/12345.html. Comment here or there, as you will.

adam lambert, vid_recs

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