Consider it opposite day

Oct 09, 2010 12:06

Maybe it's the migraine but I wasn't that thrilled by Community this week. Shirley was the most sympathetic to me with her 'skinny bitches' snark.

On the other hand, one show never fails to deliver...

Vampire Diaries 2.5
This episode started slow but boy did it deliver! So much happens in every episode! And it used my bulletproof kink! THANK YOU, SHOW!

OMG, Mason is a Katherine minion!! \o/ Woot! I found Mason's curse story pretty suspicious (how often do you get into a fight where you might kill your best friend from the start but even so I didn't see that coming. *slaps head* I had ran with it as it had been established that the Lockwoods have massive aggression issues even before the curse is triggered. But this is so, so much better. :)

Really enjoying the little renaissance between Jeremy and Tyler. Although Jeremy is so dim sometimes. How did he NOT know that Tyler was going to attack him when he got him alone? Still, it was worth it for their odd bonding. And I'm glad that Jeremy was not interested in that Sarah chick. She was not nearly alpha enough for him.

I was having a very Stefan-fond week. I loved his emotional journey in this episode and found him more sympathetic than usual. I also really liked him threatening Mason to protect Damon. I liked it even better when Damon rocked up so close behind him, all pissy, and then felt the need to hold his brother's shoulders while having that conversation. And then Stefan returned the favour later! And they were very hot double-teaming Mason. Seriously, I have NO IDEA why slash fandom isn't all over this show.

Even more to my taste: we got GIRL SAVES BOY. Or more accurately GIRLS save BOYS. \o/ OMG, soooooo much love for Caroline! Her first scene of kicking Mason's ass alone was brilliant, and I had honestly bought that she wouldn't reveal herself to her mother. It was horrible but I can understand it. But then she showed up as a whirlwind of blonde fury. My heart broke for her with her mother.

It also made for an incredibly tense scene in the slave quarters. I love that everyone thought Damon really would kill Liz. And of course the wonderful 'you're my friend' moment. I'm so glad that the show provided a way for Elena to see Damon's human side where it was completely not an act put on for her benefit.

At first I couldn't see why Liz wouldn't have killed Stefan and Damon immediately, but it makes sense that she'd want information first, and I loved her hardass 'I will draw this out' torture: and especially that Damon was shocked by it. Her toughness in this scene totally made up for the pink shirt (I do like her better in uniform though). And it's so fucked up how tangled up in her life and Caroline's Damon is.

SO SO glad that Damon was not fooled by the Stefan/Elena angst. And even happier that Stefan is considering drinking human blood. Yay, REAL trouble in paradise! I had just been thinking how cute and funny everyone was about Stefan's bunny-blood habit. ('Get some bunny in ya?' :D) It makes total sense that Stefan would be pushed to this by the pressure of Katherine and nearly dying. And having Damon around must be a constant reminder of how much stronger he could be.

The scene between Stefan and Elena at the end was totally heart-thud material. But just as I was getting shippy of them, that scene between Damon and Elena came along, and it was super-hot.Though I never will understand why people feel the need to slice their palms, of all places, open! I mean, pick somewhere that isn't going to be constantly re-opening when you move, for god's sake! Oh well. They managed the scene beautifully. I loved their restraint (especially refreshing to a True Blood viewer!): it was so sexy.

In other news,
kuwdora is the most amazingest friend ever and talked me down off a ledge when she correctly detected that I had clipped my entire new vid project the wrong f-ing way. Having a Mac-vidder friend at last is AWESOME!

And I am all hyped for Festivids!
fan_eunice has a really good post explaining why the brilliance of Festivids in detail, but I shall precis and say that I had a blast last year. I got to vid a character I wouldn't have otherwise vidded, which also meant I kept vidding at a time when I was in a creative slump. I also discovered how amazingly pretty Vampire Diaries is to vid (really people! you need to get on it!) and by the time it came to posting I'd almost forgotten, in all the fun, that I was getting a vid in return. The reciprocal joy out of this event is such a wonderful thing. And then you can watch everyone else's vids too. Everyone wins! :) Go forth and sign up!

This entry was originally posted at Comment here or there, as you will.

vampire diaries, community, festivids, vidding

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