Creative television viewing

Sep 10, 2010 13:28

I have a double-digit list of posts I want to make but no time in which to write them up. :( Yet, I am feeling chatty today so I will post something completely useless.

Contrary to the impression given by my absence from this journal most of last year, I am actually still watching some TV shows. In fact, in the last year I have adopted creative strategies for enhancing the viewing experience of several of them. For instance, did you know that:
- Legend of the Seeker is infinitely more enjoyable if you place a candelabra (the more serious and gothic the better) beside the TV screen while watching it?
- Merlin is the perfect Sunday night TV to half watch over dinner? (It really makes ZERO sense to me as a show when it's not on a Sunday night at 7:30.)
- The Vampire Diaries is greatly improved by watching it in a park at night? When I was still all 'meh' about this show at the start of the first season, supacat insisted on the necessity of watching it outside. Preferably on a hillside with a city skyline view and the dusk bats flying overhead. Seriously, entirely new viewing experience. Cushions and fish and chips assist with comfort levels. My dog greatly approves of this change in our viewing routine as it allows him to roam around outside for longer.
- True Blood is improved with red wine and trashy food of any variety? This one's a no-brainer, but does mean I can only watch in moderation. ;)

I require no added incentive to watch Community, so I don't have a strategy for that one, other than download quickly, watch, laugh.

Smallville, on the other hand, has required countless innovations over the years. There was a brief glory period where supacat and I discovered a flourless, orange cake thing we dubbed 'Clark cake' (it tasted like Clark), but then the bakery stopped making it. :( A before-and-after strategy helps somewhat. For instance, fortifying with Indian takeaway beforehand and taking a ranty walk around the park afterwards. A dog on one's lap is also comforting. Due no doubt partly to the fact it sounds similar to 'park' (and to the fact he associates it with both walks and cuddles), Bob Bob now cocks his head and wags his tail when I say 'Clark'. Bless!

But here's where I'm stumped: what the heck is going to make Hellcats more watchable? Because apparently I'm loyal enough to Tommy to download that crazy shit. *blinks* This is going to require a whole new thing...

Suggestions?! Does anyone else have crazy viewing rituals to improve your TV experience, or is it just me?

vampire diaries, community, smallville, television, true blood

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