Highly subjective impressions of Vividcon III (still the tl;dr version)

Aug 27, 2010 00:30

In case there is any doubt, this is still the con report that is mainly for me as a memory prompt. :)

in which Bop's social anxiety eases up enough to let her think actual thoughts on Saturday )

vividcon, personal

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Comments 23

laurashapiro August 26 2010, 14:37:22 UTC
Thank you for your kind words about "Newbies Rock". And extra special thanks for writing up an Oz perspective on Outback! I would love to hear more, because seriously: I've never been to Australia, but I roll my eyes every time I look at that menu. You should see the commercials, too. Man.

So glad VVC was so good for you. :D


bop_radar August 27 2010, 07:46:14 UTC
I just searched for Outback ads on YouTube and found one that I HOPE is a parody because it was really offensive (it used pseudo Indigenous Australian art and didgeridoo music--the very thought of using something like that for a commercial chain makes me shudder!). And the other one had Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Concords? He's a New Zealander. Was that the closest they could get to an Australian?! O.O

I've been to some Australian themed pubs overseas like the Walkabout in Europe, and they're tacky and embarrassing but they at least a) serve Australian beer (usually TERRIBLE beer like Fosters--which no self-respecting Australian would drink--but also some ok stuff) and b) play Australian music.

The decor of Outback read as completely American to me--the whole style of restaurant with booths and heavy wood. The art work was absolutely baffling to me. It wasn't even the usual embarrassing tourist junk. It was more... crazy?! Like I know I joked about the demonic koala picture but that was very strange as a piece of art. It ( ... )


laurashapiro August 27 2010, 16:57:18 UTC
I am not at all surprised to hear about the offensive ad -- I imagine it's not a parody. ):

I am quite relieved to know you don't drink Fosters! Not that I assumed most Australians did, but their ad slogan is (or used to be) "Fosters: Australian for 'beer'." I had a hard time imagining that an entire country could have such bad taste.

I had never noticed the demonic koalas. Next year I'm going to look for them.


bop_radar August 27 2010, 23:52:17 UTC
Fosters: Australian for 'beer'
UGH! UK peeps always seem to believe that to be true too. Fosters clearly did a massive overseas marketing stitch-up. That stuff is foul. I have actually never seen an Australian drink it. I did once hear a rumour that in Europe it's brewed somewhere over there and tastes slightly different? But I don't know...

Most of the beer drinkers, even the very low-brow ones, I know prefer Carlton (of some form), Coopers, Cascade, Boags. But also beer popularity varies by state. Even so I don't know of a state that favours Fosters. ;)

I have the demonic koalas captured in the corner of one of my photos! *was not hallucinating*


kassrachel August 26 2010, 14:46:54 UTC
You totally do not need to be more concise! Reading your posts is making me all happy and wistful all over again. OH CON YAY.

&hearts &hearts &hearts


bop_radar August 27 2010, 07:47:29 UTC
Awww, you are lovely! I can't believe anyone is actually reading them. Hee! It does make me feel less alone in post-con comedown though! :)

Vividcon: very hard to explain


callmeonetrack August 26 2010, 14:57:03 UTC
I've got a *possibly inappropriate* question about vid cons. Do they ever have really not great vids there? I mean it makes sense that all these people you mention are kind of the cream of the vidding crop and are really into it, so their vids are great and all that, but...do newbies to vidding (or even people who love it but kind of are sloppy and choose bad clips and have crap pacing, etc.) find these cons and submit their stuff sometimes? Is there a screening process which ensures some kind of quality and if so, does that make it exclusionary or non-exclusionary? I'm just curious because I've always wondered how they work exactly.


bop_radar August 26 2010, 22:30:07 UTC
No such thing as inappropriate questions ( ... )


callmeonetrack August 26 2010, 22:42:44 UTC
Ah, thank you. That's all very interesting. :) I have a flister who I know wins monetary prizes at cons for her vids on occasion! It's all very baffling to me. :)


bop_radar August 26 2010, 22:44:46 UTC
Ahhh! Those would be bigger fandom cons (rather than a specific vidding con), I'm guessing? I know very little about those. I should check them out really but I am lazy. :p


jarrow August 26 2010, 16:42:40 UTC
I promise any future words on Vividcon will be more concise. *vows*


I was also introduced to the trippy onion starter thing, which looks like a spaceship


re: the things you noticed about Premieres (the noise level, talking to people afterward, the energy of friends), a big YES to all of that. This is why I love premieres. It's not for the vids, it's for the energy of the whole thing. The excitement, the camaraderie, the buzz, the support. It's all love.

However, I was definitely glad I was there for [info]countessmary's reinactment of Twilight, assisted by Edward banner and a very enthusiastic Bella in the form of [info]kuwdora.

Okay, I am VERY sorry to have missed that. Damn!


bop_radar August 26 2010, 22:21:03 UTC
:D Your word is my command!

It's not for the vids, it's for the energy of the whole thing. The excitement, the camaraderie, the buzz, the support. It's all love.
Yeah, I adored it--it was the best part of the con for me, I think. The best overall part. So much excitements! I've never been in an audience that *keyed in in anticipation* to something before, not even in midnight release geek sessions for scifi movies... it was euphoric, that's the only word for it.

I am VERY sorry to have missed that. Damn!
It was beautiful. In a *holding my sides laughing* way. What made it funnier was having a dozen fangirls all trying to direct the scene as well. (see below for more details too)


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bop_radar August 26 2010, 21:42:04 UTC
((HUGS)) Trust me it was brilliant! And kind of capped the whole delirious con off for me. The line I remember most was you drawling 'Hiii, I'm Edward. I'm going to stare at you sleeping and shit. And it is not fucking creepy at ALL'. Bella: 'Absolutely not! I approve!' You also had a good line going about how he was actually shorter than you, and a pocket person.

TRAGICALLY I have no photo of you from the weekend honey! Can this be rectified?


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bop_radar August 26 2010, 22:16:17 UTC
You were riotously funny! People were queuing up to be your Bella. I just mentioned kuwdora because a) I am blurry on usernames, especially that late at night, and b) she was memorably enthusiatic (and had to be held back from launching herself at your man cleavage at one point, I think--you were behind the poster).

YAYYYYY re. photos! I am desperate for photos!

(And hey, in terms of drunken blackouts and not remembering embarrassing shit, I think I TOTALLY took home first prize on Friday night, no?)


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