Highly subjective impressions of Vividcon II (the tl;dr version*)

Aug 24, 2010 14:05

* You thought that was the last post, didn't you? HAHA YOU WERE WRONG.

This post is dedicated to jarrow who said WRITE, WRITE, WRITE and inspired me with his epic poetry con reports from 2007. I feel like every time I turned around at the con, he was there on my shoulder, like a kind of snarky guardian angel, prepared to give advice and (if necessary) ( Read more... )

vividcon, personal

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Comments 36

sisabet August 24 2010, 04:45:00 UTC
I have to confess I was a little bit cynical at the beginning about all the earnest 'we want you to have a good time' messages, but I quickly realised that it was entirely genuine and not the cult-like drink-the-koolaid phenomenon it had seemed like online. (Or possibly I just drank it! If so it's the happiest cult I've ever been a part of!)

This! True!!! Vividcon: Better than Your Average Cult!

Also, I wish we had more time at the con -- I didn't actually get a chance to meet you until Club Vivid cocktail hour and I think at that point we were both pretty tipsy, but I did love on your cape. I might have tugged on it as well. Later on when I desperately wanted to find you during the Premieres Intermission, I kinda needed you to be wearing that cape again. So, this is my feedback: You should always wear a Superman Cape at all Times. It suits you.

Also, you made my vid of the con! Also you were nifty and fun and made the con even better!


bop_radar August 24 2010, 05:00:04 UTC
Vividcon: Better than Your Average Cult!
*rotfl* SO TRUE. I sincerely wish we'd had more time together, I kept thinking we'd run into each other more and then we didn't and when we did it was like sprinting past each other waving squeefully and then off in another direction... I still have so much I want to babble to you about (specifically your vids, of COURSE!) and I just will have to do that online instead. *nods*

High fiving you at Premieres Intermission was a serious con highlight for me, ABSOLUTELY!! I'm so incredibly flattered that that was your vid of the con--especially in a year where you were blowing everyone out of the water yourself! I felt all Smallville-patriotic-y with you!

You should always wear a Superman Cape at all Times. It suits you.
:D I secretly want to wear it at All Times. It is terribly fun!


dualbunny August 24 2010, 04:49:04 UTC
Finally seeing your badge and getting to squeal and hug you at CVV could not have been more perfect. Could have happened earlier, yes, but not more awesomely, hee! *G*

::<3's this whole post::


bop_radar August 24 2010, 05:02:37 UTC
Definitely not more awesomely!! I wanted to find you after your panel but you disappeared in the sea of faces (I assume you went to costume prep!) and then you swam into vision in a sea of crazy dancing people at Club Vivid. It was Epic.

*fans self at your icon*


serenography August 24 2010, 05:14:55 UTC
I have a hard time seeing someone as warm and friendly as you being so nervous about meeting people at a con. But you explain your reasoning well and I'm glad everything turned out so wonderfully for you.


bop_radar August 24 2010, 05:23:27 UTC
Social anxiety is a weird and mysterious thing... and once it strikes it's really hard to logic one's way out of. I know! I tried for months! :) I think some of my normal calm cheerfulness came through in person towards the end of the con (mostly I think people got a really skewed view of me since I was all childlike and frightened for about half of it!). Thanks so much and I'm so glad we got to meet, even if it was terribly brief. I have fond memories of you regailing us with Comicon stories amid High Art and pizzas!


laurashapiro August 24 2010, 05:15:28 UTC
I was so relieved that you were able to enjoy Saturday, after your partying Friday night. I am impressed with your stamina. You are mighty!


bop_radar August 24 2010, 05:20:55 UTC
Meep, I had everyone deeply worried I think. It wasn't exactly how I planned for things to go, but I honestly woke up on Saturday super excited about the day ahead and was not in ANY way disappointed. Saturday was so much brilliance!


jarrow August 24 2010, 05:31:37 UTC

YAY, you are writing up an epic report! You will be so glad you did! It's only your first year once, and then you will have this forever and ever to relive it through. I am so happy!

Also, re: Saturday morning, you are AMAZING. I still don't know how you did it! I think you're right that the combination of feeling safe, cared for, and excited trumped any possible hangover outright. Behold the power of the mind! \o/

I am so, so glad to have met you! I had fun every time I was around you! *hugs*


bop_radar August 24 2010, 05:47:56 UTC
OMG sorry! I did rather give that impression didn't I?! I was just so charmed and amused by it! Honestly! :D And YES HE REALLY DID/DOES TALK ABOUT OTHER STUFF. *points and waves frantically*

Yes, that's true--only the first year once. I feel that is really special. I'm not kidding that I feel you guided me through all this terribly well (whether you meant to or not!).

trumped any possible hangover outright. Behold the power of the mind! \o/
HAHAHA, yes, the hangover was no match for the SPARKLY APPEAL OF VIVIDCON. The part of that morning that I am most staggered by is that I fell asleep again after Jeana dropped my key off and woke up without an alarm in time to be down for breakfast and start the first session. I woke up without an alarm every morning in fact, which is staggering considering how comatose I actually was from sleep dep either side of the con. :)

You were such a blast to hang out with! I WANT MORE! *hugs back*


jarrow August 24 2010, 06:40:06 UTC
Hey, at least you found it charming? :-D Really though, it was just so wonderful to see someone as delightful as you so enthralled with our little con after being so nervous about it. The 180 degree shift was a joy to watch, so leave it to me to comment on it (six or seven times). I never said I had tact a filter class self-control!

I'm not kidding that I feel you guided me through all this terribly well (whether you meant to or not!).

Oh honey! *hugs!* What a sweet thing to say. It seems there are others who joined me in taking you under our collective wing to make sure you had a fantastic time, so yay! I mean, really, when you fly THAT FAR? You better get your money's worth! \o/

I fell asleep and woke up without an alarm in time to be down for breakfast and start the first session

WHOA. O.O These are superpowers I have not heard of before. *eyes you suspiciously*


bop_radar August 24 2010, 12:32:35 UTC
TOTES charming, fear not.

I never said I had tact a filter class self-control!
That makes two of us so it was ENTIRELY reassuring to be around. :D :D

I was incredibly lucky in being 'adopted' by certain lovely people, absolutely! And I was blown away by that because I really wasn't expecting it at all. I had totally mapped out being able to have a satisfying entirely solo con experience in my head!

I got my money's worth and way more... to the point that I'm trying to work out just how crazy it would be to put aside a couple of grand a year to make it to VVC. It's like... save for a house? or Vividcon? *debates with self*

These are superpowers I have not heard of before.
I don't wear the little cape for nothing. :p


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