She's not his frakking angel

Apr 29, 2009 19:05

This post is about the finale of Battlestar Galactica. Don't click if you haven't seen it, and even if you have, don't click unless you want a rant.

pigeon poop )


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m_a_r_i_k_s April 30 2009, 07:41:35 UTC
I feel like it's just another instance of the propagation of Ron's vision of Kara as angel, as construct. I also don't like the implication that that's somehow 'amazing' or groundbreaking.

That’s why I can’t make myself watch that interview, even though I love Jamie to bits and like seeing him making an effort to speak French, which is kind of adorable.

In fact, you could say that he was actively in denial. Based on their conversation in 4.18, he was so in love with Kara that he was just happy to have her in any form, he really didn't want to engage with the issue of her being 'dead'.

Yep. But as I said elsewhere, that episode was written by Michael Taylor who’s the father of UB and one of the biggest K/L shippers among the crew. I wish he wrote the finale as well.
After the finale aired RDM said that L/K’s last scene in the in Islanded was supposed to give us a clue as to what Kara really was somehow, which is such nonsense I have to words… Most of the fans saw that scene as one of the most beautiful moments of trust and an unspoken promise of Kara and Lee to give each other another chance and try to make things right. And it seems like Jamie and Katee had no idea what was awaiting Lee and Kara in the finale two episodes when they filmed it. But what can I say… Moore’s full of shit and his arrogance and conviction in his rightfulness know no boundaries.

I haven't really thought of it from that side... I guess the only way it makes any sense to me is if Kara had no choice in the matter, and that totally guts me. But I don't believe she actively did it to him, I really don't. I believe that if she knew she was leaving, she would have had more to say to him.

I think she knew she was leaving from the moment she said goodbye to Anders. I can’t believe she had no choice because she had a chance to say goodbye to Sam in a proper way. Should I make a conclusion that she’s just a heartless bitch enjoying making LEE suffer? Or is it her famous luck with Lee that she never has time for HIM?!! If that’s the case and she just felt her borrowed time was up in a few seconds and had no time to react - what a fucking shame! I’d say it was either a way to screw with the fans and make their last scene together as cold as possible just for the sake of inflicting immense pain only because he can or RDM meant her abrupt disappearance to be perceived as Kara not being emotionally strong enough to tell Lee she was leaving him. Either way, it’s completely wrong and OOC at this point and cruel to both characters beyond measure. Either way I can’t accept it.

Surely even Katee thinks that Kara was more than just a damn angel in season 4? Hell, she was still given so much difficult material to deal with.

All her interviews imply that she hated what they did to her character, the fact that her ending with Lee was like NOTHING (c). And she felt betrayed in a way. Damn, she even had to improvise in her last scene with Anders just to get a feeling of closure to some extent… her “I love you” little speech wasn’t even scripted, so why can’t I care less about this frakking mess of a finale?!!


bop_radar May 3 2009, 00:55:41 UTC
it seems like Jamie and Katee had no idea what was awaiting Lee and Kara in the finale two episodes when they filmed it.
*nods* I remember how much Katee played it as Kara being totally in love with Lee. I knew then the writing would never support that, but it goes to show that even Katee didn't know at that stage they'd let K/S win out.

it was either a way to screw with the fans and make their last scene together as cold as possible just for the sake of inflicting immense pain only because he can or RDM meant her abrupt disappearance to be perceived as Kara not being emotionally strong enough to tell Lee she was leaving him
I actually felt it was meant to contrast with the Kara/Sam ending so that no one was left in any doubt about which relationship was the 'true' one. I think they were fighting against Kara/Lee having more chemistry, and therefore made the scene as cold and abrupt as possible, because anything else would have outshone the K/S.

her “I love you” little speech wasn’t even scripted, so why can’t I care less about this frakking mess of a finale
Arrrgh. I hadn't heard that. That just makes me angrier at RDM. How can you leave a character's closure up to the ACTOR! Frak. That's terrible. And of course Katee chose Sam over Lee... that's her personal feelings coming in. I can't blame her for that, because RDM allowed that to happen by never making it clear what Kara's feelings for Lee really were. Grr.


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