What I wish I had time to write

Mar 23, 2009 21:26

So it turns out I *do* still want/need to talk about Battlestar Galactica. I'm actually desperately itching to write a serious meta post on the big-picture problems with the finale. I'm reading a lot of response posts and seeing so many good points being made and I'd really like to collate them together. I've also read a few responses from people ( Read more... )

personal, fandom, bsg

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Comments 64

darlulu March 23 2009, 11:53:29 UTC
I already stopped watching Dollhouse, Kings isn't really doing it for me either, and the BSG finale totally failed on so many, many levels (really, with each passing day, I think of something new that pisses me off about the finale).

Can't wait to read your unpopular vidding fandom opinions. I myself have a staggering amount of never shared rants when it comes to the vidding fandom. :(


bop_radar March 24 2009, 01:18:16 UTC
the BSG finale totally failed on so many, many levels (really, with each passing day, I think of something new that pisses me off about the finale)
TOTALLY! I read your post and just nodded excessively all the way through. I could have added more but part of me thinks if I start listing my issues, I don't think I would ever stop!

It's actually comforting to hear other people have vidding fandom rants (unwritten)! :) I have censored myself a LOT in the past for various reasons, but I think at some point it will come out... I don't know if that's good or bad.


redteekal March 23 2009, 12:36:22 UTC
I definitely will be interested! Re the T:SCC that is. Just finished watching 19. This John Connor is so good I'm thinking Bale better keep that torch going when I get to see Salvation! This episode was brilliant - and I heart Derek so much it's not funny. I'm finding the development of John Henry absolutely riveting stuff, if only Ellison spends ten times more time with him than Weaver I might actually trust this one ( ... )


bop_radar March 24 2009, 01:23:22 UTC
HOORAY! T:SCC FTW! Seriously, I need to surround myself with more SCC fans when I get back... I am craving the fannish squee for that show.

John Connor! *heartthud* He blew me away in 2.19! Wow. I love Derek too and Jesse/Derek is my ship for this show so 2.19 was one of the most amazing hours of TV ever for me. *squees*

Mainlining BSG will be infinitely better than watching it week by week I expect. ;)

As for Dollhouse I can say that I have a MASSIVE girlcrash on Eliza and I STILL don't like it. For me it's the squicky interpersonal/gender politics--which include but are not limited to Eliza stripping off every episode. Yes, I know the politics of abuse and slavery are acknowledged on the show but not nearly enough to overcome my ICK feeling from watching that much rape--emotional, physical, psychological, you name it--on a weekly basis.

It's very sad because I love Tahmoh too.


rap541 March 23 2009, 13:02:23 UTC
I think - and I am planning a delightfully wanky "why season four was poor" post myself - that the biggest issue I have is that it took us two years to get 20 episodes made....and quite literally, next to nothing of importance took place between Kara returning from the dead and Kara disappearing.

Really. Consider. Kara returns from the dead - and we spent essentially ten episodes in pointless side stories where the only set up is the cylon mutiny.....and they find cinder!earth. Those are the most important events. We already knew who the final four were....

Then? Next most important revolation? Ellen. Then getting Ellen on the ship. Then arranging for Boomer to steal Hera....Then we have the magic song and Kara find Earth. Then everyone decides to become hippies. Kara is never explained. The head people are explained in a facile manner (I was never fond of head!Baltar) and not explained in a way that makes any of Head!Six's earlier actions make sense.

Ron ran out of story and or got bored.


bop_radar March 24 2009, 01:26:14 UTC
am planning a delightfully wanky "why season four was poor" post myself
AWESOME! \o/ I look forward to reading that when I get back.

Then we have the magic song and Kara find Earth
And at this point (both in your comment and as I watched the show) I burst into hysterical laughter. OMG SO TRUE.

Kara is never explained. The head people are explained in a facile manner (I was never fond of head!Baltar) and not explained in a way that makes any of Head!Six's earlier actions make sense.
ABSOLUTELY TRUE. And yeah, Head!Baltar? NEVER A GOOD IDEA. Why did Angel!Kara have to find her own corpse and go to light her own funeral pyre? Was that necessary show?

I think Ron did, indeed, get bored. In a 'Bored now, but I'm so great I can do WHATEVERTHEFUCKIWANT' way.


alienfish April 15 2009, 18:04:33 UTC
Awe, honey. Ron ran out of story frequently. And every time his solution was "I know! We'll show our feminism support by having a woman on the show beaten or/and raped! Let's see... we just did Sharon (or one of the others of the same line)... let's do a 6 this time! What? Oh, you're right. It's Kara's turn! And don't forget whazzername, 3 or something?"


frelling_tralk March 23 2009, 13:41:33 UTC
I've just been catching up on Skins lately too (I'm up to season two) and love it so far :D


bop_radar March 24 2009, 01:27:35 UTC
JAL!!!! *hugs icon* OMG, yes! It's so much fun and I love the HEART in all the characters. Who do you like? Who do you like? :)


frelling_tralk March 24 2009, 14:47:51 UTC
I like pretty much all of the characters actually, although Jal is definitely my favourite. Also I really love Chris, and am a total sad OTP shipper for them *g* Anwar is probably the character I care least about. I thought he was well used in the season 1 finale when we meet his family, but otherwise he seems to mainly be there for comic relief. I don't dislike him exactly, I've just never connected with him as as much as I have with the other main characters

I'm about halfway through season 2 at the moment, but I'm trying to catch up pretty quickly as it's been a bit disappointing to find all of the Skins comms talk about nothing but season 3, and there doesn't really seem to be a place to discuss the characters from the first two seasons much


bop_radar March 24 2009, 16:03:18 UTC
Awww, Jal! :) Chris didn't really click with me but I liked their relationship from Jal's side of it and enjoyed watching him. And I'm a sad sappy OTP shipper of Cassie/Sid. I liked all the girls though--which is always nice. *G*

I agree about Anwar--he sat awkwardly and maybe they never gave him enough time? Because when they spent longer showing the background of all the other characters I found them sympathetic even when they weren't initially immediately interesting to me. The comic relief thing seems true...

Yeah, I guess season 3 airing at the moment means there's no space for seasons 1 and 2 chat. :( That's sad because those seasons were so strong and the characters so striking! Damn it why am I late to the party?


chatchien March 23 2009, 14:03:31 UTC
Dollhouse 1-6 did peak my interest and I explained it in my post on it. But then, I was a Firefly fan, not a Buffy one.

And yes, T:SCC is sooo good.


bop_radar March 24 2009, 02:01:17 UTC
Mmm, interesting post. I was not a Firefly fan. ;) I do find the idea of mind control interesting but my main issue with 1.6, which turned me off, was the way that the guy who's wife died was given a happy ending as if it was an 'acceptable' form of using the dolls. Ewwww! It was not acceptable! NONE of it is acceptable. And basically everyone on the show is unlikeable except the dolls who are persona-less (and now another of the characters is one!) and I don't really want them to get their identities back because then they'll realise they've been raped and go mad and therefore there is no real investment in the story for me. I think maybe it is playing better to FF fans than BTVS fans? That'd be an interesting study...


chatchien March 24 2009, 04:38:32 UTC
and I don't really want them to get their identities back because then they'll realise they've been raped and go mad and therefore there is no real investment in the story for me.

Back to the Firefly analogy, but the mad Reivers, who raped, pillaged, and pundered the outer reaches of space were victims of the Alliance/Blue Sun Corp experimentations in mind control. They followed your speculative path of the violated Dollies who realized what happened to them in the Dollhouse.

And I agree, there is no "acceptable" way to use any of the Dolls. This episode was essentially about a gang of rapists who policed and executed a fellow rapist and for all the wrong reasons. It's rather like that movie, M, where a child rapist and murderer is apprehended and tried and punished by the criminal gangs rather than the rightfully constituted law.

I haven't heard from any Firefly fans, so I don't know how your hypothesis is playing out. I think that it would be interesting study too.


bop_radar March 24 2009, 05:08:53 UTC
the mad Reivers, who raped, pillaged, and pundered the outer reaches of space were victims of the Alliance/Blue Sun Corp experimentations in mind control. They followed your speculative path of the violated Dollies who realized what happened to them in the Dollhouse
Yeah... I see the link... I just don't see any enjoyment for me in watching that process. If that's indeed what Joss has in mind.

I agree, there is no "acceptable" way to use any of the Dolls.
It's interesting that you agree... do you not feel that the show invites us not-so-subtly to condone some usages of them?


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