
Feb 15, 2009 17:33

After the week I've had here, I'm only interested in things that lift my spirits and make my heart soar. These are some of those things:
- The Sarah Connor Chronicles. If you're not watching this show, you're missing out on some of the best television out there. My heart totally leaped with joy about it's return this week. So much so that after watching 2.14, I have zero desire to watch either Dollhouse or BSG (both of which I am sure will disappoint): I got all I need from that one awesome episode of mesmerising television. (Yes, I'm probably the only person out there to be happier about this than either the Joss Bandwagon or the BSG Fangasm, but I'm proud.)
- svmadelyn's Valentine's Day Game--an annual tradition that gets better and better from year to year. Thank you so much for the kind words, you guys. *hugs* And as usual, I love reading all the other messages about people I heart.
- You guys. I'm going to fess up: I did not send in Valentines messages to svmadelyn this year. The week's events overtook me. But I have cosy love for all of you on my f'list and am quite speechless about the response to my posts on the bushfires. You have such big hearts, all of you, and I am so grateful.
- All of the bidders on my vid auction: I am waiting to hear from the winning bidder, but thank all of you for your generosity in bidding and donating. More news on vids to follow.

I am going to write a Sarah Connor Chronicles post when I have rested a little more, and am only going to watch Dollhouse and BSG (in that order!) after that. I gather Dollhouse's gender politics will have me vomiting, and BSG will, well, kick me in the balls in other ways. No worries! I am zen. Just don't expect me to rush to such 'entertainment'. ;)

dollhouse, sarah connor chronicles, bsg

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