2009 begins sleepily

Jan 02, 2009 11:59

Happy New Year, all!

Confession: Every so often when I feel weird, I check my daily biorhythms to see what's going on. Today it told me that in physical terms I 'feel beaten and you'd prefer to lie down all day' but that intellectually 'you can finish demanding tasks without any great concentration efforts' and 'have many good ideas'. Now does that sound like a day to spend on LJ, or what?! :)

We had a BBQ party for NYE which turned into an exhausting karaoke battle. I think it was fun, but got too wiped out to really know. (And my slaved-over party playlist was underappreciated! *sniff*) My puppy still has a hangover.

I'm having rather the love affair with The Sarah Connor Chronicles at the moment, thanks to a particularly challenging vid bunny. I've rewatched season 1, and all the DVD extras, and have--as anticipated--had the Derek epiphany. I looooooove him, guys! I do think that I was initially just very very protective of the female-awesome in the show and reacted defensively to a potential alpha male in the mix. But he's so very broken = I'm mesmerised. Who is it on my f'list who ships him with Cameron? I forget. But I wanted to say I, um, kind of had a moment with them! I still adore Charlie as well. I like Ellison a lot less on second viewing--he's really annoyed me in season 2 and I think that's affected my viewing.

Having just got up to Samson & Delilah, I find myself reflecting on John and realising that on first viewing I took him to be a lot more naive than I did on second viewing. I think I used to think he was fooled by Cameron, that he had feelings for her. On second viewing, I think it's different--I think he's stronger than his mother (and I) gave him credit for, that he believes in Cameron for a different reason than affection. When she says she loves him, he appears shocked--moved, yes, but shocked as well. He wasn't expecting it and it's not the only reason he reactivates her. I think it does create in him curiosity about what their relationship is in the future, but it's not a reflection of their relationship at that point in time. It's something Cameron says to 'hook' him, and he sees it as manipulation while still also believing that he needs her. The sequence ends with John and Cameron on one side of the burning car and Sarah, Derek and Charlie on the other. This season is about John isolating himself. But it's a simplification to say that he chooses to trust Cameron over anyone else. That's not the case... yet. (The 'yet' being very important).

The DVD extras for Season 1 were really enjoyable too--I love the enthusiasm everyone has for the show and I'm particularly impressed by Summer. Thomas Dekker has rather the ego, huh? Brian Austin Green is adorable--that was an added bonus.

I think I'm going to need to go and re-read aycheb's meta posts.

It's resolution time, and yes, I have several. I am trying not to think too much about how they potentially conflict with/undermine each other.
1. Improve work circumstances. I had to phrase it this way because a move to a new job is not an immediate option for me--but it is probably 80 per cent likely eventually. In the mean time, I am committed to improving things in my current workplace, not just for me but for my friends.
2. Travel around the world. I need to get overseas again and I have many people I would like to visit.
There are 'secondary' ones which are more like a reaffirmation of goals I'm already working on:
- Save for a house.
- Get debt free.
- Lose 10kg.
- Deepen my yoga practice.
One thing I'm very determined about is not letting world affairs be an excuse for inaction. In fact, I rather like the phrase 'action, not reaction' as an expression of how I would like to approach this year. I believe that this will be far more effective than emo-ing around about how bad things are.

Finally, birthday fic! daybreak777 completed Circuit for me, a five-part BSG fic. It's a very original look at different incarnations of Kara and Lee--check it out, if you haven't already done so!

sarah connor chronicles, personal, fic_recs

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