Clois fic rec

Nov 13, 2008 13:36

Attention Clois fans! There be fic. (Why am I talking like a pirate? NO CLUE other than the fact that my job is frying my brain. When is Friday again?)

Kate's Secrets She'll Never Tell is deliciously Lois-centric Clois, with a very Season 8 flavour and lots of hot sex. Yay! It even sells me on the dynamic I was less than happy about on the show initially. (Yes, I've moved on from my hissy fit now!) It's also uplifting as all get out! (I was powerless to stop the grinning while betaing.)

In semi-related news I had a nightmare last night about Clark having to wear a green jacket (fashion ew!) secretly laced with Kryptonite, but he didn't realise he was wearing it. Chloe took advantage of this opportunity to snog him and I was ragey and wrote 'FUCK YOU SMALLVILLE' in my journal.

In my dreams I'm way more ragey and territorial than in real (fandom) life. ;) I thought you'd like to know.

Wow, I have to stop this stream-of-consciousness shit. What DID they put in my coffee?

*slopes off to read f'list*

fic_recs, fandom

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