My f'list is awesome

May 14, 2008 19:36

Honestly I should chuck tantrums with the show more often: you guys are awesome. :p

Seriously, though, I do want to thank everyone who commented on my post. I have been overwhelmed by the interesting debate it inspired and moved by the sympathetic responses it provoked. Not to mention the icons! (Thanks dianora2!) You guys ROCK.

I think I really need to do a follow-up post as my thinking on the episode and the overall issues has grown and been influenced by the debate. I was particularly fascinated to discover how diverse people's expectations about the end of the show are, even at this point in time.

Unfortunately I'm a little short on time this week and with the Smallville series finale looming I'm going to be (I hope) consumed by my other show. But I will get back to these thoughts. *nods*

bsg_meta, fandom

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