More fic for moi!

Jan 09, 2008 21:42

This is fun! I should TOTALLY have birthdays more often. :D (Even if I'm days late to collect my presents...)

wisteria_ wrote me a lovely gentle, intimate Kara/Lee ficlet.

And... so... this new S4 promo that's doing the rounds. How spoilery is it? Is it one of those things that's going to be totally everywhere and unavoidable anyway? *bites lip* I did end up watching the S3 promos before S3 aired. Is it about that level of spoilery? Or worse? (Yes I AM paranoid, thank you, and happy to stay that way!) There's still three or four months to go... I don't want to suddenly become a spoilerwhore... Er, that's ok--I won't be watching it.

fic_recs, bsg

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