Dec 17, 2007 21:34

It's been at least a week since I watched a vid and at least a month since I uploaded an icon. :(

In my super-fast sweep of LJ, I found I had missed some lovely posts. So I hereby linkspam you. :)
- vibrantharmony made me a Lois picspam as part of her advent calendar posts. Other highlights include her 12 Fangirl Days of Christmas and Chuck (the show) squee/pimp post.
- mahaliem reminds us of some important (visual) reasons why we love Smallville.
- fleegull found a picture of KK in glasses. *crushed bad*
- mskatej served up snowy Clex-y seasonal fic.

I found some great BSG posts as well.
- wisteria_ wrote some lovely drabbles.
- elzed posted a fantastic Razor-based fic that explores Lee's perspective
- suffolkgirl wrote an interesting exploration of the 'Apollo' callsign
- bsg_hiatusthon is going really well--thank you squillions to everyone who's met their posting deadlines at this very busy time of year. I have been really enjoing the diversity of entries. One of my favourites so far is this poignant Laura piece
- Oh, and the Lee Adama advent calendar is cheerifying. :D

personal, fic_recs

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