Playing catch-up

Nov 13, 2007 21:40

Since the first screenings of Razor have now happened, I've unlocked my Razor meta post and some follow-up thoughts. My thoughts have evolved a lot further than this thanks to some great meta discussions already, but I've had little time to pull them together into a post. I see a few others unlocking their posts--I want to rec a bunch of great (currently locked) posts at some stage so that's exciting!

The last few days have been horrendous for me and I owe a lot of people a lot of things--comments, posts, feedback, emails, time. Sorry, guys! Thanks for bearing with me.

However, I do have some good news! You remember my whinge about the BSG hiatus? (It wasn't really that, but you know what I mean.) Well, thanks to everyone suggestions, I've set up a new community: bsg_hiatusthon. I hope it can be a place where we can organise some ficathons and challenges for the fandom as a whole (NOT just K/L shippers, despite the way my f'list is slanted :p) over the coming months, and I have ideas for the first one already. I was going to wait until then to pimp it, but siljamus has done such a lovely job with the layout, you should check it out. More details to come as soon as I catch my breath!

Yikes, no time for this one! So quickly quickly: Landry broke my heart and I was so scared his dad was going to flip out. When he hugged him I cried. The other guys making me cry this week were Jason and Coach--their scene had be weepy as hell. I am so glad Jason's listening to his heart but on the other hand, wow what a tough decision and what IS he going to do. I thought the '19, going back to Dillon' line was perfect for conveying where he's at.

I was happy with the Tim development and also happy that he's not got an easy card back in from Coach. I kind of adored Smash asking him over for dinner and Smash's little speech about the differences between them. It was also great to see Tim there at Jason's birthday toasting him. The scene between Tim and Lyla was also very strong.

Poor Tami! I loved the way she reacted when her sister arrived--they conveyed the sense of this long-established family dynamic so well. You can whinge about it but you still fall into the same patterns and there's love there underneath. Julie's so painful to watch right now. But I don't think Matty's new girl will last.

On a random note: I've realised one of the things that's been bugging me about the handling of Tyra's plot. They haven't made any mention of the fact that her mother was beaten up by guys and that Tyra passionately defended her mother but also saw her mother as a victim. I think that is SUCH a powerful piece of character background that's important to understand when looking at how she reacted to being attacked. And yet they didn't use it. Her performance has been impeccable in its realism for how a 'normal' girl might react under the circumstances, but Tyra's got a history of seeing men abuse women and a above-average drive to not be a victim herself. I think that could have been teased out ever so subtly when it came to her decision to cover up and dump the body. I can do the work backwards and work out that she thinks the guy is total scum and deserves it and she's tried to justify it to herself that way, but... the show didn't make it easy and it could have been easier.

I may be revealing a little too much about my psychology here, but omg, I am SO identifying with Deb right now! She's always been my favourite character but I just adored the way she found that 'peaceful place' in music in this episode. I can see how it might have seemed cheesy to some but I have a really strong reaction to music and it can stir up a lot of emotions. There's some music I just can't listen to a lot because it puts me in too weird a headspace. I could feel her fear about relaxing into that space almost physically, and I also identified with the odd calm that she found when she let herself do so, and the disconnection from her life around her. Yet, I know what she means about thriving on the chaos too...

I'm also feeling that my suspicions about Lila were spot on. I have felt she was an intensely selfish character from the first time she was introduced but that Dexter was blind to that. Yes, she's good for him at one level but he's vulnerable to her as well.

Dexter's play of Doakes was masterful. I love watching Doakes, he's great value, if limited, and his 'you're backing a fucking freaktard' line was wonderful, coz, um, yeah, we are.

dexter, friday night lights, bsg

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