August, my least favourite month, is finally drawing to a close. August is the coldest month in Melbourne and I have developed a superstitious distrust of it over the years--it has frequently been a month that has brought bad news, stress and sorrow. And this year has been no different. But it is nearly over and the fact that I can smell spring in the air is giving me cause for optimism. Today was a balmy twenty-five degrees and I pulled a sundress out of the cupboard. The cherry blossom is out and everything feels a little lighter.
So today I'm making a post about random things that are currently making me happy.
- My cat is recovering much better now (thanks for the kind thoughts everyone!).
sv_ledger is back from hiatus and this makes me feel like Season Seven is getting closer... I miss Smallville so much! :( I even miss the illogical plots and the crazy fan wars! Somebody saaaaave me before I go rewatching Ageless...
- My Friday Night Lights dvds have been posted and I am omgsoexcited!
bradcpu is watching Heroes and the mere idea that his clever clever brain might be combined with the prettiness of Heroes to produce a spectacular vid is very happy-making.
bsg_crack! Clearly a brilliant idea. :D
- Beta-ing for
brokenmnemonic who is making amazing leaps and bounds in vidding (
Lee vid and
squeeful Kara awesomeness with a Kara/Lee slant--such productivity! I be jealous. *g*) I love beta-ing vids and it was such a pleasure to help with these.
- On the subject of vids,
m_a_r_i_k_s's Kara-centric
24 blew me away. I'm still catching my breath and getting the lump out of my throat.
literaryll: I have finally finished all the comics and am itching to get to the store for more. Thank you SO much for enriching my life with them! *hugs*
- The vitamins prescribed by my doc are finally making me more wakeful (without caffeine!).
- I'm vidding. :) I fell into a bit of a malaise there for a while, but I think I'm working my way out of it.
So what is making you happy today? :)