Lois picspam #1

Jun 18, 2007 21:16

So I decided it was ridiculous that I'd never made a Lois picspam post. After all, I adore her, and she's purty, and I don't really need any excuse to natter away about how great she is. So I went off to collect some pics... that was two weeks' ago. *headdesk* Now I have 200 caps and don't know where to start. *lol*

So I'm cutting this down to size and I'm going to post 10 reasons Lois rocks every day for a week. Let's see if that'll get me through it... feel free to come with me on this journey, or not, as you wish. I'm just being self-indulgent. ;-)

Ten Reasons to Love Lois
1. She's a good samaritan.
She stops to pick up naked guys with memory loss who she finds wandering around in cornfields. She remains admirably calm while doing so too--ok, she has to talk to herself a little ('look at his face, Lois! look at his face!') but that's a trait I've always found cute and endearing.

2. She's fearless.
Few people can stare down Lionel Luthor, even when he is behind bars. But Lois with a mission is a match for anyone--and to have her cousin's killer brought to justice, she'd do anything.

3. Investigative journalism!
One of Lois's first 'assignments' involved pimping Clark off to a slutty cheerleader (remember how scared he was?!) in order to, er, pump her for information. It made sense at the time... maybe...

4. She's secretly ambitious.
I think Lois is a perfectionist. She has a huge fear of failure and she sets very high standards for herself. How does this fit with dropping out of school, you ask? Well, that's classic self-sabotage. She doesn't yet have ambition driving her, but she also can't deal with trying to do something and coming off second best, so she takes it all casually--doesn't matter if she screws up. But when Chloe encourages her to write for the school paper, she's secretly proud of the results. It was such a brief moment but I loved it:

5. Lack of boundaries.
I love Lois for some of the reasons other fans hate her. In Smallville private space is sacred. You don't barge into Clark's loft without asking (unless you're Lex or Lana, that is)... let alone the BATHROOM. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) Lois doesn't know these things. Whether it's social cluelessness or the fact that she grew up on military bases and travelled around a lot, she's very matter of fact about sharing her space with others. She's also charmingly unimpressed by Clark.

There be girls out there!

Lois seriously looks like she's enjoying getting sprung by Martha Kent. Hi Mom!

6. (With apologies to serenography) She's as perplexed by Clana as many of us are.
But not for the reasons fans are. It's Lana who's too good for Clark in Lois's world.

You guys?! Really?!

7. She thinks Clark takes himself waaaay too seriously.
Oh, come on, he does! I adore him, and he's growing into a wonderful man, but all that angst and woobie-ing gets tiresome after a while--he could do with lightening up sometimes. And Lois does that well. Plus, she's fun meta for the viewer.

8. She's determined.
Once she's got an objective, she'll do anything to get to the truth. Whether it's climbing in graves to discover if her cousin's death has been faked...

or putting herself on the lab table (in Smallville terms, scary territory--few people go there voluntarily!) to get a story.

9. She likes to outman Clark.
Clark has his fair share of phallic symbols (many of them provided by Lex). Lois likes to play with them. 'Nuff said.

10. She's serious eyecandy. *stares*

Ah, the Smallville close-up: it's justifiably famous, though usually it's the male torsos getting this much attention.

More tomorrow! *g*

lois lane, picspam, smallville

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