Pirates and pilots and other distractions

May 26, 2007 22:50

I went to see Pirates on Friday night. There wasn't enough Jack. *pouts* There is NEVER enough Jack for Bop. Also, they killed Norrington waaay too early. :-( There were some splendid action sequences (the mid-battle marriage was a stunner) and there were some beautiful shots from a visual geek perspective, but my favourite parts were still Johnny being gloriously crazycakes. I was in stitches during his Davie Jones's locker delirium. And I was the only one in the packed out cinema laughing. *baffled*

I don't know... the Pirates movies are a funny thing for me. Ninety per cent of the reason I like them is Johnny. And the mythology and storytelling leaves me oddly cold and uninterested. I find Elizabeth annoying (doesn't help that I don't like Keira), though she grated on me less in this movie. She suits boyish costume and behaviour so much more, however implausible. Will, I'm fond of but he emos too much. Yes, even for me. And I was always very fond of Norrington and wish he'd remained more central. And too many tentacles, guys, too many tentacles! *shudders*

Anyway, it was still a fun night out. There was a group of thirteen-year-olds dressed up in costume. They were completely adorable and I had to resist following them around to gush. :-)

Also, now Johnny is free to make Shantaram which I could not be more excited about. Have I squeed about this yet? *SQUEEEEE* It's entirely possible that I will become extremely annoying on the subject of this movie over the next year or so. I adored the book and the only thing that could make me love it more is them casting Johnny in the lead role, which HELLO, they DID! Of course I have fears about how it will translate to the screen, but I know I'll love it anyway because I could watch Johnny forever and not get bored. Now I just need to resist stalking him around Melbourne when he comes to film the Pentridge break-out part... (though I think he may have already done so? I fail at fangirling.)

There has been quite the explosion of Pilot-love on my f'list, which is joyful and happy-making in the extreme:
- wisteria_ has an extremely fun interactive piloty picspam (or picspasm, to coin dionusia's apt slip of the keyboard!) post.
- queenofthorns traces early Pilot love in pictures
- dionusia wrote a delightful post on pilots as complementary forces and their reciprocal influence on each other. I am eagerly awaiting her Part II.
- katiebugs18 wrote a lovely little drabble: Kiss (I'm also fond of her first ever piece: Hands).
sasa_hq (new Kara/Lee comm) seems to be blossoming, and mods canadiangirl_86 and dionusia will be pleased to hear that latteaddict has been firmly/kindly lecturing me on the subject of Kara's true affection for Lee. :-p

I watched the first three episodes of Rome yesterday. Yeah, I'm totally hooked. Vorenus and Pullo are the main drawcard for me, most definitely. I enjoyed them in the first episode and they just keep getting better. Pullo has a Claes-like quality (from DD's 'House of Niccolo') that I warmed to and which makes his oafishness bearable, and I totally fell for Vorenus... I'm not even sure why yet. I like his 'unimpressed' face. And it was adorable of him to point Pullo to the clean brothels (awww, friendship! *lol*) and then when he sought out relationship advice from him... huahhahahaha! I died laughing. So clueless, so well-meaning. *loves* The reveals on Vorenus's marriage were well done and definitely hooked me in.

Atia is the other aspect I'm enjoying. She's ridiculously over-the-top but great value in terms of drama and humour. She may be a caricature but she's also played with such determined passion by the actress that I'm kind of mesmerised anyway. Uber-smart Octavian could become annoying but hasn't done so yet, and whimpery Octavia grew in my eyes when she got her bitch on by mimicking her mother's orgasm in public. The scene where she threw a hissy fit about being killed by her mother was hysterical. I also like what a prat Brutus is and what a yob Mark Anthony is. Most amusing! Can't wait for more but unfortunately have a very tedious piece of editing to get through first...

c_mantix has started reading The House of Niccolo series by Dunnett--my favourite novels ever. Period. It's been ages since I've hooked anyone on them and I'm totally chuffed. While I don't expect her to reach my feverpitch adoration for them (it's out of control), I really enjoy reliving that first reading experience through her eyes. I may have to re-read along with her. Anyone else want to get on board? *bats eyelashes*

Finally, by a strange coincidence, my landlords have chanced on late July for the renovation of our house--which requires us to move out for a couple of weeks. The coincidence is that this is when the Melbourne International Film Festival is on. Some of you may remember this from last year... I usually get a mini-pass and drive myself into illness and mania by seeing way too many movies in a short period of time while also holding down a job and meeting other life commitments. Well, looks like this year I'll get to live out my dream of taking time off work to go to the Festival. I've always shied away from taking that leap into complete movie-geek madness, but have secretly wanted to. The timing seems too fortuitous not to take advantage of it. I'm not sure whether I should be congratulated or pitied for this... I do know I'm insanely excited. *manic grin*

personal, rome, movies, fandom, bsg

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