You know, I think I've been falling off the Heroes bandwagon for some time now and the season finale just confirmed that. I got bored, yo! I couldn't sustain interest. I'm sorry, kids, I don't think I'll be continuing to watch this show next season. There are too many better shows commanding my attention--Smallville, BSG and FNL being top of the list. (Have I told you how awesome Friday Night Lights is yet this week?! ;-p)
The season finale began in good old-fashioned Heroes style with a waffle from Mohinder. Now I know why Molly bonded with Mohinder--she's quite as daft as he is. Despite the two men wielding loaded weaponry around, as soon as she saw Parkman she completely relaxed, convinced that he would keep her safe. Before I had time to eyeroll at her naivety, she'd asserted this to the world, and somehow Parkman had magically made them lower their weapons. Some secret power I did not know of?
And does anyone else find the way that Molly insists on calling Sylar the 'bogeyman' really annoying? She knows his name now, dammit! This cutesy little girl act sets me on edge.
Hiro was offered a classic hero's dilemma--to save the life of someone he loves or the lives of many. He got to do both. *yawn* Too easy! I was seriously unimpressed. That scene where Sylar asked if Hiro could 'do his little trick' before Sylar could was ridiculous. Yes, Sylar, yes he can. Why didn't you use some of those brains you spent so much time eating! I couldn't get into Hiro's transformation at all in this episode--it seemed paper-thin and contrived, and killing Sylar seemed way too easy in the end.
I saw Nathan's last-minute save coming miles away--there was no way they were doing all that setting up of him as eviler-than-evil for nothing. Yes, I thought the mutual 'I love you's were the shippiest thing ever, but strangely despite that I found that scene oddly lacking in emotion. Perhaps because the only character I really cared about was getting nuked. All the panning shots of everyone else just made me cranky. Niki/Jessia, Micah, DL, Parkman, Mohinder and Molly all live through the experience? For what? To what end?
And I fully admit I'm pissy at Claire. I really really liked Claire's character in the first half of the season but she's become way more tedious as the 'Conscience of the Petrelli's', and I found the finale a huge cop out for her character in terms of emotional resolution. She gets to realise her true father is selfless after all, and she gets adopted father to cuddle up to for comfort. I'm sure that's very heartwarming, but I kind of just found it boring.
I really was wondering why they felt it necessary, in a season finale, to flash back to Simone and her papa, but I guess the point was the message that 'death is the one thing that connects us all'. Yes, Nathan's death connects us all... *groan* About the only cool thing that came out of that flashback for me was hearing the Petrelli matriarch give her true thoughts on her sons--Peter is weak, and Nathan is strong. I liked that the surface level impression we'd been given in the pilot was so firmly renounced. And I also liked that both people were right in that scene--Simone's dad says it's not inevitable (it's not) and Mrs Petrelli says Nathan's the strong one (yes, he is).
I really didn't buy the twaddle about Peter having a heart that can love unconditionally and the one last thing I was hoping for... that Peter would get his scar and go badass on us... didn't happen. Instead we got a snippet of time-travelling Hiro. Unfortunately he time-travelled to Japan. Oh, yay! Just when we'd got rid of Ando, they rope in a whole new bunch of actors who can't actually speak Japanese.
Colour me unexcited.
HAVE I MENTIONED HOW AWESOME FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS IS?! It has sympathetic characters, good dialogue and consistent characterisation. It doesn't prioritise showy plot twists over characterisation. And (spoiler!) it doesn't nuke it's best character in the final ep of the season.