
Apr 25, 2007 20:08

*coughs for attention*

I would like to present to you the brilliance that is dionusia and her BSG crackpoetry, as exemplified by: La Belle Kara Sans Mercy.

Summary: 'What happens when you combine Keats' verse with "Unfinished Business"? A ballad about pilots that's become a bit more R rated than the original, that's what.'Highly recommended for any and ( Read more... )

fic_recs, bsg

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dionusia April 25 2007, 17:42:39 UTC
OMG, an insta-pimp post just for me? You are so good to me, Bop! *twirls you*

Oh, and now I've gotten that Keats monkey off my back I have to get back to the promised list of mytho-religious geekout questions (whoops!). It's only Wed. and it's been such a crazy week. Sorry!

I hope your day off was satisfying. :D Thanks again.


bop_radar April 25 2007, 23:00:52 UTC
You're apologising to ME?! I'm the one who's had my head buried in Final Cut Pro for the last couple of days! And yes, it was satisfying. Though I have very little to show for it as yet. However I've fixed on Lee vid No. 1 (for I'm sure there will be several) and have done some of the conceptual work for it--it's a Lee meta vid so it's very thinky. (Is it possible for a vid to be TOO dense?! *worries*)

Right, ok, mytho-religious-geekout thingy! I will try to get something together today. *determined*


dionusia April 26 2007, 01:50:25 UTC
Well, you know, it does sound like you're busy with vidding -- no reason why the mytho geekout it can't wait. It's a long hiatus and all that, we might be in desperate need of BSG diversion in later months. :D But whenever you want to have it, that'll be fine with me.

However I've fixed on Lee vid No. 1 (for I'm sure there will be several) and have done some of the conceptual work for it--it's a Lee meta vid so it's very thinky. (Is it possible for a vid to be TOO dense?! *worries*)

Oooh. *claps hands eagerly* A Lee meta vid! I'm getting excited all over again.

And "too thinky"? Well, I'm probably the wrong girl to ask. But I vote no, it can't be! So there. *g*


bop_radar April 26 2007, 02:01:26 UTC
Well, if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind holding off on it a week or so, since this week is getting hijacked both by vidding and by house dramas (auction on Saturday). But we must not forget about it!

I vote no, it can't be! So there. *g*
Hee. Yeah, I'm overthinking my Lee vid. BIG surprise! ;-) I did try doing some organic vidding on it, and it resulted in something quite shippy and bordering on Dee-bashing, which considering that this vid was meant to be LEE LEE LEE and not a shipper vid at all was rather frustrating. But I secretly like it. Inevitably, there will be relationship stuff in this vid though, since it's about how Lee's conflicted in all areas of his life. I just need to get the balance right. Which is hard.


dionusia April 26 2007, 04:39:01 UTC
I agree it seems best to table it then. (And good luck with the house drama!)

Yeah, I'm overthinking my Lee vid. BIG surprise!

Naw, you're just tapping into the POV of your subject matter and identifying with his character! Not overthinking it! ;)

And heh, you should listen to the secretly liking it part of your heart. It's what you really want. It's funny how sometimes you start working on something thinking it'll turn out 'X' and then you get halfway in and notice: "Gee, I really was doing 'Y'!" Yay organic processes. You'll get the right balance, I know you will. *hugs*


bop_radar April 26 2007, 03:16:53 UTC
Psst, I am loving seeing you get the praise you deserve for that poem! It's the if-you-build-it-they-will-come aspect of fandom. Your fame spreadeth! *g*


dionusia April 26 2007, 04:57:17 UTC
Aw, thanks! (And er, fame?!) I'm just surprised, really, it didn't seem to me that crackpoetry would appeal to many people. Never underestimate litgeekery/fandom overlap, I suppose! People have been so nice though. Yay LJ fandom!

I'm kind of getting nervous though (trust me to find something to angst about even after such a good day) because I don't think I can really produce anything else that works nearly so well as that Keats crack. Geez, I sound so lame even to myself right now. I guess I mean, when I asked crackpoem fans to friend me in my post, I didn't think I'd end up with half so many takers. Does that make any sense? I'm so jazzed by jcathm writing crackpoetry though, and perhaps grapefruitzzz will write more, too! Playing off of them was very fun and stimultating. I'll focus on that.

Sorry to be fretting all over the place when all you tried to do was congratulate me. (Buck up, Leemo Denise!) Okay, I'm over myself now.


bop_radar April 26 2007, 05:07:40 UTC
Hey, you're ok! *hugs* Sorry I prompted anxiety--I did only mean to congratulate you and was just fondly joking about the 'fame'. Sounds like you're going through the jitters after the rush of adrenalin from having your first mass friending. It can be a little weird to find yourself with an 'audience' all of a sudden. Don't worry about that though--just think that you'll have things in common with the sort of people who warmed to your fic. You were totally right to invite people to friend you--I knew you and grapefruitzz would get on like a house on fire, for example! What you do from here may be completely different, and that's ok ( ... )


dionusia April 26 2007, 06:01:39 UTC
Apparently I've turned into the LJ advice column! *facepalm*

Heh, sorry, that's only because I've been using you as one! My bad. I'm all better now.

Yeah, I think it's just newness jitters, over absolutely nothing except pataka02 politely asking what crackpoem I was going to write next -- but I didn't really know. But really, if what I post doesn't interest people, they'll just breeze by it, so no big deal. Plus the idea of defriending still makes me kind of sad, but when you build such a huge f'list I can definitely see why that gets to be necessary. Heh. Thanks again for the noob support. *hug*


bop_radar April 26 2007, 06:08:04 UTC
if what I post doesn't interest people, they'll just breeze by it, so no big deal
ExACTly! It's all good! Besides, the way it's going, you can just wave people in the direction of other folks' crackpoetry! ;-)

Ignore me! I seem to have a knack for saying the wrong thing today. *headdesk*


dionusia April 26 2007, 14:07:14 UTC
The wrong thing? I certainly don't feel that way! Erm, just ignore my mini-freakout earlier. It was in no way triggered by you and it WAS definitely soothed away by your advice. (Heh. It's all this romantic poetry, it's making me all emo!)

BTW bitterlatinist made palely loitering icons, if you want to snag them. :D


bop_radar April 27 2007, 00:40:05 UTC
No worries--I was busy putting my foot it in elsewhere in fandom too! And I guess, yes, all that emo poetry did my head in a wee bit! ;-)

You are acquiring many awesome Audrey icons I see!


dionusia April 27 2007, 01:27:19 UTC
Foot in your mouth, no. I find that hard to believe. (Well, your familiar meme did say you were modest.) You're always unvaryingly kind. SO THERE! *hugs*

And yay Audrey! I'd have even more, but I'm pretty much at my userpic level *hangs head* and I overdosed on L/K, Katee, and Jamie of course...sigh. Now I'll need to clear some out and make room for SV/Antinous icons, no doubt! I'll never give up my crackpoem ones though.

Oh! And Ms. Advice Columnist (see how I keep pestering you), do you think should I post my poem in beyond_insane? Do they allow that kind of crazy thing there?


bop_radar April 27 2007, 03:34:43 UTC
*stalking my own LJ for unreplied-to comments*

It's so difficult with userpics--you have to ditch some to use other awesome ones. A constant dilemma!

Hmm, I'd say yes to the beyond_insane thing--but I do not honestly know for sure. Check their userinfo? I've seen very diverse offerings there so my first instinct is yes!


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