Heroes 1.19 0.07%

Apr 25, 2007 11:16

Oh, I'd forgotten how much fun this show is!

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bop_radar April 25 2007, 08:17:44 UTC
Oh, you have the cutest Nathan & Hiro icon EVER!


sadface April 25 2007, 07:22:32 UTC
I thought Issacs chattiness was more in character than clunky, like earlier with the delivery guy it was supposed to be intentional 'bigging himself up'. Like, Issac really, really wanted someone to know he was about to make this huge sacrifice so that later on delivery man could be hey...he knew! and with Sylar, hey, he just wanted to say 'well, i'm better than you still and I knew you were going to do it so really it doesn't mean anything NER' and then his 'but i know something you don't know' was just him being childish (and clearly stupid,but if he's shown us anything, it's that Issac is an idiot). Issac always struck me as the kind of yeah, he's a good guy but damned if he's not going to get recognition for it.

At this point, I'd be pretty happy for a second season where it was all about mummy Petrelli and Linderman fighting crime and trying to save the world. I'm still kind of in awe at how well the universe is set up, you know, like they planned stuff. Wierd ( ... )


sadface April 25 2007, 07:23:48 UTC
pretend I spelt Isaac right a lot.


bop_radar April 25 2007, 09:56:44 UTC


bop_radar April 25 2007, 08:22:53 UTC
Yeah, I agree that Isaac was totally in character--I just find the actual writing rather blah. Which is true of pretty much all of Heroes, always, for me, not just Isaac's scenes.

he's a good guy but damned if he's not going to get recognition for it.
He definitely reads that way.

Mama Petrelli and Lindermann must have hooked up in the past, right? Coz I'm so shipping them...

I'm still kind of in awe at how well the universe is set up, you know, like they planned stuff. Wierd.
Yeah it's such a novelty! *giggles*

I usually read the tie-in comics but I haven't yet. But yeah I really loved Lindermann's speech. I particularly like that he's nuking the first-world idiots, not the third world. ;-)

I like Mohinder best when he gets all angry in that 'terribly nice' way. He's the definition of ineffectual.


juxtoppozed April 25 2007, 08:10:22 UTC
The strength of Heroes lies in the plotting. The plotting and the gloriously shiny comic-book cinematography. The script isn't the strong point, and this means pivotal character moments can be a bit hit or miss. Sometimes the overall impact of the 'twist' and the imagery is enough to carry the viewer through the scene... but listen too closely to the dialogue and it can fall a little flat.

You summarized perfectly what I like and dislike about this show. The imagery is so comic book, the transitions from scene to scene themselves sometimes make the impact where the character moments didn't.

The Nathan-Lindermann scene was entirely made of win. I love the premise of a generation of 'heroes' who have already gone through this journey, and who have 'wised up' (aka become jaded and cynical).I really, really hope we get more on this, even if it's filtered in via flashback scenes. This sounds potentially fascinating, a villian that started out idealistic and naive and had a plan of action that seemed to fail and eventually convincing ( ... )


bop_radar April 25 2007, 09:55:56 UTC
The imagery is so comic book, the transitions from scene to scene themselves sometimes make the impact where the character moments didn't.
Yeah, that's it exactly. It gives it this weird flavour--it also makes it fun to mock, even while still engaged by it. ;-)

a villian that started out idealistic and naive and had a plan of action that seemed to fail and eventually convincing himself that he's just going about things the wrong way.
I'm optimistic that we will get more of this--the show's built Lindemann up as a very important character and the reveals on the past have been coming thick and fast recently... fingers crossed, because I agree that it would be great to learn more of that journey.

several types of "villians"
Yes! that is a good point--it is rare to see different kinds of villains. It makes the Heroes universe instantly feel more sophisticated than many others.


duskwillow April 25 2007, 08:52:34 UTC
It's so good to have the show back! \o/

I love the premise of a generation of 'heroes' who have already gone through this journey, and who have 'wised up' (aka become jaded and cynical).
Oh yes!!
I'd love to see that story. I'm thinking Linderman, Mom Petrelli and maybe Claude?


bop_radar April 25 2007, 09:50:19 UTC
It is good, yes. And yeah--I'd love to see the backstory on the three of them.


norwich36 April 26 2007, 00:23:22 UTC
The Nathan-Lindermann scene was entirely made of win. I love the premise of a generation of 'heroes' who have already gone through this journey, and who have 'wised up' (aka become jaded and cynical). It's putting Nathan in a more sympathetic position, since he gets to call Lindermann a 'lousy humanitarian' and be shocked about Lindermann's (completely callous) willingness to nuke New York. (I have to admit that I was very amused by Lindermann's 'meh, we're overpopulated anyway' argument, especially since he clearly feels that large swathes of the population of one of the most influential capitals in the world are dispensible... teh evol!) Nathan's capable of being pretty ruthless in his own right, but set him against megalomania on this scale and it seems like a surefire way to set him on the path to heroism... Ooh, good point abouthow structurally this makes Nathan look better *and* gives him the possibility of actually acting better, to foil Lindermann's plot. (And I really hope that's what he's planning, though I'm a little ( ... )


bop_radar April 26 2007, 01:02:01 UTC
I'm a little concerned that now that he's found out Peter's invulnerable he may go along with it
Heee. I'm kinda hoping he does. *iz evol* I like him dark. :-) But yeah, I think defining him against Lindermann is an effective way for the show to go.

I'm sure you're right about Nathan-Claire scenes, but I love both of them so much, I reckon my expectations were just too high. He did look beautiful in that pink room though...


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