Fandom makes life brighter

Apr 24, 2007 09:28

I'm super-anxious this week as we'll likely (finally) find out whether we have to move or not. But fandom's proving very effectively distracting.

Battlestar Galactica
I read a superlatively wonderful and poignant Lee/Kara fic last night that's still haunting me--it's Lee's pov, and the characterisation's spot-on. Highly recommended! A Sunny Day in Tartarus.

I don't often get my Clois-fondness satisfied, but shopfront has written a very cute Clois fic. And as if that wasn't enough, lucky_biatch made an adorable Clois vid. Awww, Smallville!

And no, I'm not completely neglecting the Clex! ;-) bipolypesca's posted a lovely constructed-reality happy Clex vid, which made me go 'aww', and also made me giggle. *g*

Tomorrow is ANZAC Day, Australia's commemoration of getting our asses whipped at Gallipoli. Which means I get to spend the day at home, vidding! \o/ Hooray for mid-week public holidays! And I might walk Bob Bob to the dawn service...

personal, fic_recs, vid_recs

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