Link - ConTxt 2012 ereader panel

Jul 16, 2012 07:35

Links hoping as usual, along the way, found

on ebooks comm on Dreamwidth
ConTxt 2012 panel: Fandom on Your Ereader! by cinco, Jun. 27th, 2012 04:14 pm

goes to
Resources and info from the ConTxt Ereader panel!

and surprised to see both my sites listed :D
General archives as Brooding Detective (femslash)
and fandom-specific as Brooding Detective Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey)

There are a number of resources for reading and converting ebooks (fanfiction), a good read for those who need more info or links which we might have missed at the International Day of Femslash's Self-publishing or ebook panels.

x-post to sansreads

sans paper

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