New project - Sans Paper archive

Jan 02, 2010 17:35

I've finally decided to expand the efic biz!

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to rysler for hosting,

the big archive for efic will be located at Sans Paper.

Currently the blog, yes, there is a Sans Paper Blog, (peeps asked me where is the Otalia eFic LJ!) is ready to take off.

and there is a LJ comm, at Fic Sans Paper - ficsanspaper,

plus the obligatory follow me on Twitter - ficsanspaper.

membership to the LJ comm and tweeter is currently set to approval only. Please give me a day or two to get everything properly setup.

Integrated into Sans Paper are the Birds of Prey eBooks and the Otalia eFic archives.

And new fandoms such as Legend of the Seeker and BAM are on the way, as well as new file format readable on ebook devices.

deep inhale, hit POST!

sans paper

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