Challenge 1: Claims and Posting

Dec 25, 2006 01:10

  • Post your claim -
    Put Claim in the subject and the following information in your post:
    Fandom: (BoP TV or BoP comic)
    E-mail: or IM
    Link to my table:

  • You may claim as many characters or couples as you want.
    Do note: if you claim more than one Character/Pairing/Threesome, you are committed to write the 12 themes for each of the Character/Pairing/Threesome claimed.

  • You may claim the same pairing as someone else.

  • Collect your tags.
    Do not post until your claims have been accepted and you have been assigned tags.

  • No Original Character or self-insertion in your fics.

  • For any reason, you are not able to complete the challenge, drop you claim here.

  • Subject line:title, fandom - pairing, prompt
    eg. Helena's Big Bad Day! [BoP TV - B/H, 10. Rainy day]

  • Header:Title:
    Word Count:
    Author's Notes:

  • Tag your entriesauthor name, fandom/pairing, challenge #, prompt.
    eg. mrswoman, bop tv, barbara/helena, challenge 1 fics, c110 rainy day

  • Post:
    • to your own journal
    • cross-post to bop_challenges
    • or e-mail your fic to Alex if you do not have a LJ account.

  • : your story behind the ! More info here.

  • Submit at least 1 fic per month, due on the 15th, 12:00GMT of each month.
    • or anytime before the dateline.
    • Submission need not be in order on the table.
    • If your prompt fics form parts of a longer story, please post the chapters in order.

  • DO NOT re-post fics written in the past as part of the challenge.

challenge 1 info

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