Damned PotterHeads

Jul 21, 2007 01:18

First, apologies to those of you on my f-list who enjoy the writings of that Rowling babe. Hope you get yer new book and enjoy reading it, and avoid seeing the spoilers.

Now, if you're still reading this post, be prepared for foul language and grousing about hype.
I do not give a flying fuck about Harry Potter. I don't want to know anything about it. And I'm glad she's finished writing the damn books.

Give me a break, folks! I was in downtown Guelph at slightly past midnight, and the whole place was full of Potter-heads. Adults wandering around in wizard capes and hats, screeching children, people of all ages yelling "Don't you *dare* tell me what happens!!" It was funny to see tarted-up university-age females tottering back to the bars, dragging lovelorn jocks (carrying several newly purchased books, of course) behind them. Mustn't forget the drunk frat boy who was standing in the fountain, begging to see a copy of the book so he can tell everyone who dies in it.

Oh, and let's not forget the tragedy of "no more Harry Potter books means everyone will stop reading!" Bullshit, people. I mean, really, folks - shovel it a bit faster 'cause that compost heap is getting pretty small.

I am one of those contrary people. If something gets over-hyped, I completely lose interest in it - often to the point of absolutely refusing to ever experience it. I've probably lost out on a few great cinematic experiences because of this character trait of mine... that Star Wars thing, Cinema Paradiso, E.T., Bambi, Titanic, every Tom Hanks or Jim Carrey movie ever made, almost everything by Spielberg, the Spiderman/Superman/Fantastic Four stuff, most of the Batman stuff, and yes, all them Potter and LOTR movies. Don't even get me started on the DaVinci Code.

We actually have the first few Potter books, given to us by the father-in-law - eniastoa has read at least some of them, and says they're OK reads. With all the hype, I just ain't gonna read them any time soon. Sigh. I suppose it could be looked at as a loss for me. Naah, not really. I've got lots of other things to be doing.

Oh, yeah. Not to spoil the ending or anything, but...
In the end, none of it actually happened. It's all a dream that Patrick Duffy's character had.
Maggie killed Mr. Burns.
The woman is actually a guy.
The psychologist is dead, too.

authors, silliness, ^twitch^twitch^, w-t-f??, entertainment

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