OK. Bring it on, brother Raven

Jun 24, 2007 17:53

So, the subject line of this post is an open invitation. I know that. I've been vainly trying to keep my feet on the ground as I am buffeted by, well, chaos. At this point, I really think I'm ready to just jump off the cliff and see where these wings will take me.

Shit - just typing those words made my heart race a little bit. OK, more than a little.

On Friday, I did the obligatory phone call to SoylenTemps, to see if there was a nice job there for me. Apparently not at the time. They phoned back twice after I had left to go to work - wanting to know if I was available for a quick job that evening, and wanting me to call back and talk to them. If they phoned my cell - like I told them to do - I would have been able to give them answers directly. Oh well. I'll call them on Monday.

Then, I get to work and QA-Guy tells me that the company is hiring people next week, and asked me for another copy of my resume to put in. Apparently he wanted to make sure I put one in that had his name on it as a reference, since the last one didn't. Yeah, right. I suspected that he didn't pass along my resume, vainly hoping that Das Circus would obey orders and make me lead hand. I believe I was correct in that thought. Anyway, he now knows that I'm serious about leaving Das Circus, and most likely will be gone within a few business days.

Monday is going to be interesting, to say the least. I have to wander in to my workplace early, so I can discuss doing my Ergonomics class project there (job analysis x 3, whee fun). Plus hand in my resume on the sly. The problem is that I'll have to call SoylenTemps before I get there, and they may well have something for me to do. But I would really like to give TheMothership first dibs on this prime piece of worker. (Yeah, I know - technically they've had lots of time by my reckoning...)

What's a poor girl to do? Everything is up in the air, there are absolutely no guarantees of anything. Hell, I could well be concerning myself with trying to balance diddly with squat, and be stuck with Das Circus for yet another week or so.

In somewhat related news, I'm still thinking about getting my towmotor licence. Mum says she could see me driving a forklift, and could see me working my way up to driving those honkin' Tonka trucks that have wheels taller than me. Mum also says she'll pay for the course, if and when I want to do it. Nice to be an only child, sometimes.

Well, this is interesting. I have just been presented with a perfect excuse to berate myself. I'm running the edge of doing so, but I've not teetered off into self-loathing. No "yet" on that last sentence; I'm not going there this time. I'm committed to riding this through. Emotional thinking won't help me, neither will self-doubt or blame.

Work with me here, people... I'm trying to convince myself that I can do this.

End of the runway, gentlemen, decision time!

Well, I'll call SoylenTemps first thing in the morning, and find out what they have. I believe that they will have something that pays more per hour (and for more hours per week) than Das Circus. And I believe that I will tell Das Circus that Monday is my last day working for them. And I believe that I will start a new job this week.

I will give my resume to HR at my current workplace on Monday. If they want me, they can make me an offer. Temp jobs are temporary by nature, after all.

pure unadulterated fear, careers, the flagstone path, boozymatic action

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