Aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh - part 2

Jun 21, 2006 20:12

Well, I've managed to find out a couple of useful things, I think...

The Numan gig on August 3 is supposed to be at the CiRCA Nightclub.
So far, all gigs at CiRCA Nightclub have been cancelled, because of "construction delays". Yup, the place isn't finished yet. WTF?? Do I have to go down there and crack the whip myself?

The latest cancelled gig, for a Boing! gay pride party on June 23, 2006, was selling tickets through a couple of Toronto-area shoppes, and an online place called By chasing a few links from there, I finally found, the official website of the nightclub. Such as it is.

So, I sent them an e-mail, requesting the information about getting tickets.

Perhaps I should have warned them about the frantic, rabid Numanoids who will tear the place apart, looking for their dark master. Then again, maybe whoever is responsible for the delays should be locked in a room with said rabid Numanoids.

They ought to know better. Never, NEVER, mess with a Numanoid... we dream of wires!

If we build it, He will come...

grr!, entertainment, music

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