This is annoying me muchly

May 31, 2010 17:33

So, way back in April, Clawfoot posted this licence plate as seen in a local parking lot. Many commented about the total inappropriateness of it, and, I believe, several sent complaints to the Ministry of Transportation. Including me.

I got a speedy response on April 23:

Good Afternoon Ms. Richardson:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the personalized licence plates “UR2 FAT”.

The ministry strives to ensure that the licence plates issued do not have configurations that may be considered objectionable to the general public. The application review process for personalized licence plates does not always succeed in identifying every configuration that may be objectionable, and occasionally, licence plates are issued which later proves to be offensive to some people.

The ministry takes all complaints about plate combinations seriously and each one is investigated thoroughly. Therefore, the ministry will be conducting a full review of the plate. Once the investigation has been concluded, you will be notified of the ministry’s decision.

Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.

Yours sincerely,

John Vu
PLP Co-ordinator

Today, May 31, I got the promised follow-up e-mail:

Dear Ms. Richardson:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding personalized licence plate "UR2 FAT".

As explained in our e-mail to you dated April 23, 2010, the ministry strives to ensure that the combination of letters and/or numbers on licence plates could not be considered in any way objectionable to the general public.

Achieving this objective is a difficult task given the diversity of our culture, changing times with respect to significant global events that raise public sensitivity, as well as a constant introduction of new terminology and slang.

The ministry takes all complaints about plate combinations seriously and each one is subject to a review of the facts related to the plate configuration The configuration "UR2 FAT" was reviewed by the ministry and the decision has been made to not recall the personalized licence plate "UR2 FAT".

Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention.

Paul Brown

Well, now. It appears that the government doesn't find it offensive... because I'm absolutely positive that they did a rigorous evaluation of this plate. *cough *cough *cough

I was hoping to have one of them say, "Well, y'know, fat people are gross, eh? They're the offensive things, not our fair licence plate!"

If any of you find their lack of offense offensive, perhaps you should let them know:

Paul Brown
Licensing Services Branch
1201 Wilson Avenue
Building A, Room 173
Downsview, Ontario
M3M 1J8

John Vu
PLP Co-ordinator
Licensing Administration & Support Office
Tel: 416-246-7229 ext 65106
Fax: 416-235-4414

As for myself, I'm going to think about it for a few days before deciding how to approach this response.

grr!, lj-world, ^twitch^twitch^, w-t-f??, boozymatic action

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