One more. Promise.

Dec 20, 2008 08:50

Letter Meme, ganked from alagbon

*Use the 1st letter of your last name to answer each of the following...
*They have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up!
*Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial

1. What is your last name?....................... Randall
2. 4 letter word................................. Ripe
3. Vehicle: ..................................... Rental Car
4. City / Neighborhood: ......................... Regina
5. Boy Name: .................................... Reed
6. Girl Name: ................................... Ruby
7. Occupation:................................... Registrar
8. Something you wear:........................... Rollerblades
9. Food: ........................................ Ravioli
10. Found in a bathroom:......................... Rogaine
11. Reason for Being Late........................ Riots
12. Something you shout.......................... Rewind!
13. Animal:...................................... Rabbit
14. Body part:................................... Retina
15. Word to describe yourself.................... Realist

silliness, meme sheep

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